Bill Run Types

Sigma Online User Manual

Bill Run Types

When initiating a bill run, a 'Type' must be selected. This drives the behaviour of the billing engine when creating the bills.

There are four options:

Bill Run TypeDetails

The Billing Engine will attempt to calculate a Normal bill for all Tenant Accounts in the Billing Group, for the dates selected.

A Normal bill represents a periodic bill for the tenant - i.e. their utility charges between two dates.


This option is expected to be used to calculate 'What If' bills.

Bills of this type cannot be approved or Issued, they are purely for information purposes only.


Creates Bills with the type of Accrual

Bills of this type are expected to be used in conjunction with an Accruals Report.

Pending Actions

This will only process Pending Actions /and Recalculations that have been specified for existing bills.

I.e. where a bill has been marked to be withdrawn and rebilled.


This will trigger an ad-hoc bill run and generate ad hoc invoices, as per the ad hoc charges that have been configured for a tenant.

Please see here for more information on creating ad hoc charges.

Also a number of other parameters must be selected to make sure the bill run performs the required processing when calculating the new bills. The available options are driven by the bill run type that is selected.

Pending Actions:

Withdraw Actions

Tick the Withdraw Actions checkbox if by default pending Withdraw Actions should be processed during a Tenant Bill Run.

Where any existing bills for a Tenant Account that is assigned to the billing group has a status of 'Withdraw', the system will withdraw the bills and create contra bills that effectively completely reverse the existing bills.

This default setting can be overridden when initiating a Tenant Bill Run.

Withdraw and Rebill Actions

Tick the Withdraw and Rebill Actions checkbox if by default pending Withdraw and Rebill Actions should be processed during a Tenant Bill Run.

Where any existing bills for a Tenant Account that is assigned to the billing group has a status of 'Withdraw & Rebill', the system will withdraw the bills and create contra bills that effectively completely reverse the existing bills. It will then calculate new bills based on the latest data for the periods with a status of 'Normal'.

This default setting can be overridden when initiating a Tenant Bill Run 

Pending Recalculate Actions

Tick the Recalculate Actions checkbox if by default pending Recalculate Actions should be processed during a Tenant Bill Run.

Where any existing bills for a Tenant Account that is assigned to the billing group has a status of 'Recalculate', the system will re-calculate the billing periods based on the latest data available.

This default setting can be overridden when initiating a Tenant Bill Run 

Bill Run Parameters:

Derive Non Periodic Consumption

Default setting of the Derive Non Periodic Consumption checkbox when initiating a Bill Run for the Tenant Billing Group .

Where this option is selected, the system will attempt to derive the consumption for non-periodic channels where there is not a start and end read that aligns with the start and end of the period being billed.

Save Billing Non Periodic Reads

Default setting of the Save Billing Non Periodic Meter Reads checkbox when initiating a Bill Run for the Tenant Billing Group

Where this option is selected, where there are not start and end meter readings that do not align with the start and end of the billing period, then the system will store the reads it estimates for the purpose of billing against the applicable non-periodic channel. It will be stored with a status of "System Estimated".

Auto-generate PDFs

Default setting of the Auto-generate PDFs checkbox when initiating a Bill Run for the Tenant Billing Group based on the template that has been setup.

Where this option is selected, the system will produce a PDF version of the tenant bill that can be downloaded and distributed to the Tenant.

Please note, where this option is not selected, a PDF bill will not be created and cannot be retrospectively created for any tenant bills that have been produced.

Auto-Generate Consumption CSVs

Default setting of the Auto-generate Consumption CSVs checkbox when initiating a Bill Run for the Tenant Billing Group.

The Consumption CSV is to provide details of the consumption information that has been used to calculate the bill. An example CSV output for a bill based on half hourly periodic metering data can be seen here.

Please note, where this option is not selected, a PDF bill will not be created and cannot be retrospectively created for any tenant bills that have been produced.

Details on how to initiate a Tenant Bill Run are available here.

Normal Bill Run Option

The Billing Engine will attempt to calculate a Normal bill for all Tenant Accounts in the Billing Group.

Note: On first entry to the screen this is populated with the previous month or quarter or year based on the Bill Frequency of the Tenant Billing Group. This may have changed if switching from another Bill Run Option.

Bill PeriodThe Bill Period dropdown list is disabled if the current setting of the Default Bill Period checkbox is ticked
Default Bill PeriodUntick the checkbox to enable the Bill Period dropdown list and select an alternative Bill Period from the dropdown list (list of previous Bill Periods based on the Bill Frequency of the Tenant Billing Group, going back up to 2 years)
Withdraw Actions

Tick or untick the checkbox to override the current default setting for the Tenant Billing Group

Withdraw and Rebill ActionsTick or untick the checkbox to override the current default setting for the Tenant Billing Group
Process RecalculationsTick or untick the checkbox to override the current default setting for the Tenant Billing Group
Derive Non Periodic Consumption

Defaults to the setting created in the Tenant Billing Group and cannot be changed.

Save Billing Non Periodic Meter ReadsDefaults to the setting created in the Tenant Billing Group and cannot be changed.
Auto-generate PDFsDefaults to the setting created in the Tenant Billing Group and cannot be changed.
Auto-generate Consumption CSVsDefaults to the setting created in the Tenant Billing Group and cannot be changed.
Invoice DateDefaults to todays date, but amend if necessary (to a date which is today or in the future).

Test Bill Run Option

This option is used to calculate 'What If' bills. However, the Bills cannot be approved or Issued

Note: On first entry to the screen this is populated with the previous month or quarter or year based on the Bill Frequency of the Tenant Billing Group. This may have changed if switching from another Bill Run Option.

Bill PeriodThe Bill Period dropdown list is disabled if the current setting of the Default Bill Period checkbox is ticked
Default Bill PeriodUntick the checkbox to enable the Bill Period dropdown list and select an alternative Bill Period from the dropdown list (list of previous Bill Periods based on the Bill Frequency of the Tenant Billing Group, going back up to 2 years)
Withdraw Actions

This is disabled

Withdraw and Rebill ActionsThis is disabled
Process RecalculationsThis is disabled
Derive Non Periodic ConsumptionThis is disabled
Save Billing Non Periodic Meter ReadsThis is disabled
Auto-generate PDFsThis is disabled
Auto-generate Consumption CSVsThis is disabled
Invoice DateThis is disabled

Accruals Bill Run Option

This option creates Bills with the type of Accrual. Expected to be used in conjunction with an Accruals Report.

Bill Run Start DateThe Bill Run Start Date is populated with the start date of the previous month, quarter or year based on the Bill Frequency of the Tenant Billing Group
Bill Run End DateThe Bill Run End Date is populated with the end date of the previous month, quarter or year based on the Bill Frequency of the Tenant Billing Group
Default Bill Period

Untick the Default Bill Period checkbox to enable the Bill Run Start Date and Bill Run End Date fields and select dates for these fields (either using the date pickers or entering date values in these fields)

Withdraw Actions

This is disabled

Withdraw and Rebill ActionsThis is disabled
Process RecalculationsThis is disabled
Derive Non Periodic ConsumptionThis is disabled
Save Billing Non Periodic Meter ReadsThis is disabled
Auto-generate PDFsThis is disabled
Auto-generate Consumption CSVsThis is disabled
Invoice DateThis is disabled

Pending Actions Run Option

This option will only process Pending Actions that have been specified for existing bills, as per options selected in the supporting "Pending Actions" list.

Note: On first entry to the screen this is populated with the previous month or quarter or year based on the Bill Frequency of the Tenant Billing Group. This may have changed if switching from another Bill Run Option.

Bill PeriodThis is disabled 
Default Bill PeriodThe is disabled 
Withdraw Actions

Tick or untick the checkbox to override the current default setting for the Tenant Billing Group

Withdraw and Rebill ActionsTick or untick the checkbox to override the current default setting for the Tenant Billing Group
Process RecalculationsTick or untick the checkbox to override the current default setting for the Tenant Billing Group
Derived Non Periodic ConsumptionThis is disabled
Save Billing Non Periodic Meter ReadsThis is disabled
Auto-generate PDFsThis is disabled
Auto-generate Consumption CSVsThis is disabled
Invoice DateDefaults to todays date, but amend if necessary (to a date which is today or in the future).

Ad-Hoc Bill Run Option

This option will issue an ad-hoc invoice for one or more ad-hoc charges that have been captured against a tenant, independently of the ongoing tenant bill periods for their utility usage

Note: On first entry to the screen this is populated with the previous month or quarter or year based on the Bill Frequency of the Tenant Billing Group. This may have changed if switching from another Bill Run Option.

Bill PeriodThe Bill Period dropdown list is disabled 
Default Bill PeriodThe Default Bill Period checkbox is disabled without changing the current ticked/unticked setting
Withdraw Actions

Tick or untick the checkbox to override the current setting for the Tenant Billing Group

Withdraw and Rebill ActionsTick or untick the checkbox to override the current setting for the Tenant Billing Group
Process RecalculationsTick or untick the checkbox to override the current setting for the Tenant Billing Group
Derived Non Periodic ConsumptionThis is disabled
Save Billing Non Periodic Meter ReadsThis is disabled
Auto-generate PDFsThis is disabled
Auto-generate Consumption CSVsThis is disabled
Invoice DateDefaults to todays date, but amend if necessary (to a date which is today or in the future).

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