Sigma Online User Manual



There are some very useful reports in Energy Intelligence that will help you identify housekeeping issues, such as no Meter attached to a Supply Point, or an Account attached to more than one Supply Point.  

The Best Available Consumption Data reports in Energy Intelligence use the Supply Point as the data source.  EI will only use data from the Meters that are attached to a valid Supply Point, and the Supply Point also needs to contain an Account.

Therefore, if a Meter or an Account are not attached to a Supply Point, the consumption will not be reported on, and if an Account is attached to more than one Supply Point, it would be reported on twice.

It is really important to ensure the database is set up correctly.  To help you understand any housekeeping issues in Sigma, there is a tab on the Emissions Summary Dashboard that is made up of a collection of Reports.  Alternativley, each Report can be viewed separately. 

Emissions Dashboard

  • Open Energy Intelligence
  • Search for 'Emissions Summary' Dashboard and open the Dashboard
  • Click on the Supply Config Issues tab, which has the following sections:
    • Account with Supply Point Link Issues
      • Accounts Missing a Supply Point Link
      • Accounts linked to Multiple Supply Points
    • Meters with Supply Point Link Issues
      • Meters missing a Supply Point Link
      • Meters Linked to Multiple Supply Points
    • Energised Meters without Current Supply Point Link
    • Active Accounts without Current Supply Point Link
    • Overlapping Supply Point Contract Periods


Individual Reports

Each sections has a 'View Results' option which will open up the individual Report.

Alternatively, search for any of the Reports in Energy Intelligence.

Accounts to Supply Point Assignment Issues

Click here to open the Report:

This report identifies:

  • Accounts linked to multiple supply points overlapping the same period
  • Accounts not linked to a Supply Point 

This issue has the potential to result in bill consumption or charges for the Account (during the time period that overlaps) being potentially double counted.  Or under reporting if the Account is not linked to a Supply Pont.

Water Accounts linked to Supplies via Supply (Water) commodity Service Types are not included as this can be a valid configuration.

Resolution: Investigate the Accounts Supply Point assignment and ensure that, if correct, there are no reports in use that will result in the double counting of the Accounts consumption, or configure the Supply Point to be excluded from Best Available Consumption View Reports.

Click here to open the Report:

This report identifies:

  •  Active Accounts not linked to a Supply Point 

This could lead to under-reporting.

ResolutionAssign the Account to a Supply Point.

Meters to Supply Point Assignment Issues

Click here to open the Report:

This report identifies:

  • Meters linked to multiple supply points overlapping the same period
  • Meters not linked to a Supply Point

This issue has the potential to result in the consumption for the meter (during the time period that overlaps) being potentially double counted.

Water Meters linked to Supplies via Supply (Water) commodity Service Types are not included as this can be a valid configuration.

Resolution: Investigate the Meter’s Supply Point assignment and ensure that, if correct, there are no reports in use that will result in the double counting of the Meter’s consumption, or configure the Supply Point to be excluded from Best Available Consumption View Reports.

Click here to open the Report:

This report identifies:

  • Energised Meters not linked to a Supply Point 

This could lead to under-reporting.

ResolutionAssign the Meter to a Supply Point.

Overlapping Supply Point Contract Periods

Click here to open the Report:

This report identifies:

  •  Supply Point Contract periods overlap with another Contract period in the same Supply Point

This can cause double counting of figures when reporting from your Supply Points, for example, when using Best Available Consumption View

Resolution:  Check the Supply Point and rectify the Contract Periods.

Click on the above links to open the pages to find out how to investigate and rectify the issues.

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