Sigma Online User Manual

Energised Meters without Current Supply Point Link


This report identifies:

  • Energised Meters not linked to a Supply Point 

This could lead to under-reporting.

ResolutionAssign the Meter to a Supply Point.

Opening the Report

Open Energy Intelligence and search for the Report OR click on the link below to log into Energy Intelligence and open the Report for you:

Energised Meters without Current Supply Point Link

If there are any energised Meters in the database that don't have a current Supply Point Link, the following shows:

The tabular data shows that the Meter does not have a de-denergised flag (so it is active) and that 0 Supply Points are linked.

  • From Energy Intelligence, copy the Meter name/number
  • Open Estate Management and change the Item to Meter
  • Search and highlight the Meter, which will open the Meters & Channels tab 
  • Note, the Related Items confirms that the Meter is not linked to a Supply Point


  • This may need to be done outside of Sigma
  • Alternatively, check the bills in Bill Entry to see if you can match the Meter, to confirm the Supply Point:
    • Open the Accounts tab and highlight the first Account for the same Commodity as the Meter
    • Click on Bill Entry
      • If the PDF has been attached, open to check the Meter Serial Number
      • If that matches your unlinked Meter, then check the bill for the Supply Point ID
      • Or repeat the process for the next bill in the same Commodity

Once you have confirmed the Supply Point number that matches the Meter:

  • Click on the Supply Point tab and check to see if the Supply Point is in the list

  • Click here for details on how to create a new Supply Point 

  • Highlight the Supply Point in the Supply Point tab
    • Click Manage Contract For Supply
    • Drag and drop the Meter from the Available Meters section to the Selected Meters section

  • From either the Supply Point or Meters & Channels tab, highlight the Supply Point or Meter and check the Related Items section.  This will show the Supply Point, Meter, Account, Contract etc, confirming that they are now linked

@ Copyright TEAM - Energy Auditing Agency Limited Registered Number 1916768 Website: Telephone: +44 (0)1908 690018