Advanced Concurrent Reads

Sigma Online User Manual

Advanced Concurrent Reads

 GB – AdvancedConcurrentReads 

An advanced version of GB – ConcurrentReads and is used to identify overlapping invoices.  Checks to make sure the meter readings follow on and can be set to ignore if there are gaps within the billing.

Validator Set Up


 *Bureau recommend these settings

Bill Entry screen

Current bill

Previous bill


Variable Description
Check only loaded billsTick to exclude any unloaded bills in an EDI Batch (ie it wont look at any bills that have entered on an EDI but not yet loaded to the Account)
Ignore meter read overlapsTick to ignore if the meter reads overlap with the previous bill
Ignore meter read gapsTick to ignore if there is a gap in the reads from the previous bill
Ignore meter read gaps in billing gap foundTick to ignore if there is a gap between this bill and the last bill (and the meter reading do not follow on)
Ignore credit billsTick to ignore if the bill is a credit

Failure Prompt

Suspected read gap detected for meter 'E12346', band 'A' - there is a difference in the present meter reading on the previous bill, and the previous meter reading on the current bill on line 1 (Band A)

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