PPU Validators

Sigma Online User Manual

PPU Validators

PPU Validators

GB – AverageppuThreshold

Checks the bills average pence per unit value (a combination of the green charges) is equal to or less than the defined PPU limit entered in the validator.

 GB – ElecBandppu 

Compares the band rate on the current electricity bill against the same band rate on the previous bill. 

GB – ElecBandppuThreshold 

Sets a threshold for a band rate (Band A, B, etc.) The validator fails if the threshold is exceeded.

 GB – ElecppuThreshold  

 Similar to GB – ElecBandppuThreshold however, instead of band rate (line 1, 2 etc), this uses the average pence per unit.

GB - ElecppuvsPropertyKeyExact

Checks that the PPU in the Bill is exactly the same as in the Property Key

 GB – GasBandppu 

Compares the band rate on the current gas bill against the the previous bill. 

 GB – GasppuThreshold 

 Similar to GB – GasBandppu,  however this Validator checks the figure entered in the Cost Rate field (tag 1984) is exceeds the figure in the Validator

GB - SimpleTagvsPropertyKey

Compares the field (Tag) in the Bill against the defined Property Key

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