Sigma Online User Manual

Manual Bill Entry Validators

Manual Bill Entry Validators

This section applies to manually entered bills only

Note, Validators in the General Bill Entry section also work with Manual Billing:

General Bill Entry Validation

Consumption Validation

PPU Validation

VAT & Tax Validation

Charges Validation

General Bill Entry Validation

BE – AccountLinkBillEditCheck 

Stops users making a second change to a bill. It applies to bills older than 30 minutes and is used in conjunction with the Accounts Link Activity

 BE - BillAttachmentValidator 

Checks that an attachment has been added to the manual bill.  The Validator fails if a document has been attached  (generally an image of the bill)

BE – BillEntryStopper

Alerts you if you are trying to save a bill to an Account that has this Validator set up against it 

BE – BillInvoiceDateValidator 

This Validator will fail if a valid date has not been entered in the Invoice date field.

BE – BillInvoiceNumber  

Checks that an invoice number has been entered.  Can also be used to ensure a minimum/maximum length of invoice number 

 BE – BillReceivedDateValidator  

Checks that a received date has been entered in the manual bill.

BE – ElecUseDeMin & BE – GasUseDeMin 

Checks whether a value of 1 has been entered in the deminimus cell. Validator will fail if any other value is there. If the 1 is present and the cost of the invoice is not adding up then it may be that CCL has been incorrectly charged.

 BE – MDentry 

Checks that a maximum demand figure has been entered. 

 BE – UniqueInvoiceNumberValidator 

Checks if the invoice number is unique to that account.

Consumption Validation

Use the Validators listed in the General Bill Entry  -  Consumption Validation

PPU Validation

Use the Validators listed in the General Bill Entry  -  PPU Validation

VAT & Tax Validation

BE – ActivateNewTax 

Checks that Tax Entry tab is being used to input the VAT (and not the old Tax Summary tab) – particularly important if using the Accounts Link Activity.

BE - WaterVat

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page '*Water VAT (Manual Billing)'.

Charges Validation

BE – BillThisPeriod  

Ensures that the  Bill This Period cell is populated

BE – InvoicedvsCalc  

Checks the invoice cost with the calculated Sigma bill cost and will fail if out of the tolerance threshold.

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