Dealing with Failed Validation

Sigma Online User Manual

Dealing with Failed Validation

Validation can be set up to in Sigma to check Tenant Bills.   Click here for more details on how to set up Validation.

Once set up, any bill that fails Validation will be flagged in the Tenant Approve and Issue Bills Activity.

To deal with these failures:

Opening the Tenant Approve and Issue Bills Activity

Click on Tenant Approve and Issue Bills Activity

Filter to the Bills you want to view.  

Click here for more details on Filtering.

Ensure the Validation Stats and Validation Status Columns are included in the view.

Click here for more details on adding Columns.

Viewing the Validation Results Overview

Hover over the bill line and the Validation Stats Column to see an overview of  the Validation results

Viewing the Validation Results

Right click on the Tenant Bill

Click View Validation Notes

The Validation Results pop-up opens to show you the passed and failed validators

Right click on the Validator and click View to see more detail

Viewing the Unable to Complete Validators

By default, only validations results that passed or failed are displayed. To view validations results that were unable to complete:

Right click anywhere on the column header row

Click Filter 

The Filter pop-up opens

Tick Show UNABLE TO COMPLETE results 

Click OK

The Filter pop-up closes and the Validation Results pop-up is updated to display any validations which were unable to complete.

Click  OK to close the Validation Results pop-up

Click the X in the top right-hand corner to close the Validation Results pop-up

Dealing with Failed Validation

There are 7 Validators that can be set up for Tenant Billing.

Here is a list of the 7 Validators: 

  • TB - HfdChannelGapCheck.xml
  • TB - ZeroConsumptionCheck.xml
  • TB - totalConsumptionTol.xml
  • TB - totalConsumptionTolYear.xml
  • TB - AlignedBillStartReadsCheck.xml
  • TB - AlignedBillEndReadsCheck.xml
  • TB - ActualReadsAgeCheck.xml

Below details how to deal with each Validator if it fails:

TB - HfdChannelGapCheck.xml

Checks for any gaps in Periodic Channel Data.

Gaps can be filled so that the bill reflects the consumption for the whole period. 

Click here for more details on how to check the data gap

TB - ZeroConsumptionCheck.xml

Checks to see if the consumption is zero

If the period of the bill shows no consumption, this Validator will fail.  

Click here for details on how to check the data

TB - totalConsumptionTol.xml

Checks that the total consumption on this bill is within a set percentage of the previous bill

The percentage is set by the User

The failure message gives the following information:

Total consumption within % of previous bill: FAILED  - the name of the validator, and showing it has failed (other options are passed or unable to complete)

'Tolerance=10' - The 10 indicates 10% tolerance between the upper and lower limits

'upperLimit=109375.20' - The amount of the previous bill plus 10% (the tolerance).  The previous bill was 99432 + 10%  9943.20 = 109375.20

'totalConsumption=114499.00'  - The total consumption on this bill, 114499

'lowerLimit=89488.80' -  The amount of the previous bill minus 10% (the tolerance).  The previous bill was 99432 - 10%  9943.20 = 89488.80

'MinimumQueryValue=0.00' - This minimum query value is set to 0.  However, if a figure is in the Validator set up, the Validator will only fail if the tolerance is met AND the value of the query is over a set amount

'QueryValue=2260.05' - The amount of monetary difference between the two consumption values. Current bill is 114499, previous bill was 99432. The difference is 15067. Each unit is charged at £0.15.  15067 x 0.15 = £2260.05

TB - totalConsumptionTolYear.xml

Checks that the total consumption on this bill is within a set percentage of the previous years bill

The percentage is set up the User

This validator does the same as the the TB-totalConsumptionTol.xml except that is compares the current bill with the previous years bill.

The above screen shot shows as UNABLE TO COMPLETE as there wasn't a bill for the same period last year.

TB - AlignedBillStartReadsCheck.xml

Checks that the Start Meter Read(s) on the current bill are aligned with the End Meter Read(s) on the previous bill

TB - AlignedBillEndReadsCheck.xml

Checks that the end Meter Read(s) on the current bill are aligned with the Start Meter Read(s) on the next bill

TB - ActualReadsAgeCheck.xml

Checks that the actual Meter Reads used to calculate or derive consumption on the current bill are less than (X number of months) months old

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