Sigma Online User Manual

Gas PPU Threshold

 GB – GasppuThreshold 

 Similar to GB – GasBandppu,  however this Validator checks the figure entered in the Cost Rate field (tag 1984) is exceeds the figure in the Validator

This Validator uses the Cost Rate field, tag number 1984 in the bill.  Click here for more details on Tags (field numbers).

Validator Set Up


Unit rate threshold (p)Enter the figure you do not want the Gas PPU to exceed, ie 2.78
Check only verified billsTick to check only bills loaded to the Account (EDI bills)

Bill Entry screen

Note: The Validator  checks the figure entered in the bottom field (tag 1984)

Failure Prompt

Unit rate exceeds threshold: FAILED - the name of the Validator

'ppunit=5.60' -  The figure entered in in the Cost Rate field (tag 1984)

'onlyVerified=1.00' -  confirms that the option to only check verified bills was ticked in the Validator set up

@ Copyright TEAM - Energy Auditing Agency Limited Registered Number 1916768 Website: Telephone: +44 (0)1908 690018