Columns in the Approve and Issue Bills Activity

Sigma Online User Manual

Columns in the Approve and Issue Bills Activity

The following table provides the full list of columns that can be viewed per each Tenant Bill that is displayed in the Bills table.

Columns highlighted in bold are enabled/visible by default if this is the first time the Tenant Approve and Issue Bills Activity has ever been opened.

Click here for details on how to customise the columns in Approve and Issue Bills Activity. 



Billing Group

The Tenant Billing Group linked to the Tenant Bill

Bill Run Id

The unique ID of the Tenant Bill Run that created the Tenant Bill

Bill Run Start Date

The Start Date of the Tenant Bill Run that created the Tenant Bill

Bill Run End Date

The End Date of the Tenant Bill Run that created the Tenant Bill

Invoice Id

The unique Invoice ID created for the Tenant Bill

Invoice Date

The date the Tenant Bill was issued


The Status of the Tenant Bill: Normal, Cancelled, Approved, Issued, Withdrawn, Withdrawn and Rebilled, Test or Accrual

Document TypeShows Invoice or Credit Note
Credit Note Reference The reference of the Credit Note

Pending Action

The Pending Action on the Tenant Bill:

  • Withdraw is displayed if the status of the Tenant Bill has been changed to 'Withdrawn' (see section 2.7.6) and this has not yet been actioned
  • Withdraw and Rebill is displayed if the status of Tenant Bill has been changed to 'Withdrawn and Rebilled' (see section 2.7.7) and this has not yet been actioned
  • Recalculate is displayed if the recalculation of the Tenant Bill has been initiated (see section 2.8) and this has not yet been actioned
CommodityThe Commodity of the Bill

Supply Point

The Name of the Supply Point that is linked to the Tenant Bill

Supply Point Reference

The Reference of the Supply Point that is linked to the Tenant Bill

Issue Bill 1

The value configured for the 'IssueBill1' Supply Point Property Key

Issue Bill 2

The value configured for the 'IssueBill2' Supply Point Property Key

Site Name

The Name of the Site that is linked to the Tenant Bill

Site Reference

The Reference of the Site that is linked to the Tenant Bill

Site Identifier

The unique ID of the Site that is linked to the Tenant Bill

Financial Id Code

The Financial ID of the Site that is linked to the Tenant Bill


The Name of the Tenant that is linked to the Tenant Bill

Tenant Reference

The Reference of the Tenant that is linked to the Tenant Bill

Tenant Account

The Account Number of the Tenant Account that is linked to the Tenant Bill

Tenant Provider

The Name of the Tenant Provider that is linked to the Tenant Bill (via the Tenant Billing Group)

Settlement Type

The Settlement Type (Payment Method) configured for the Tenant Account that is linked to the Tenant Bill

Payment Terms

The Payment Terms configured for the Tenant Account that is linked to the Tenant Bill

Bill Start Date

The Start Date of the Bill Period for the Tenant Bill

Bill End Date

The End Date of the Bill Period for the Tenant Bill


The total consumption recorded in the Channel(s) used to calculate the Tenant Bill

Total incl VAT

The total value of the Tenant Bill including VAT

Total excl VAT

The total value of the Tenant Bill excluding VAT

VAT Rate

The VAT rate used to calculate the Tenant Bill

Total VAT

The total VAT value of the Tenant Bill

Bill Query Flag

A flag to identify whether one of more Queries have been created for the Tenant Account linked to the Tenant Bill

Channel Data Quality

The data quality of the Channel(s) used to calculate the Tenant Bill: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Sample

Validation Stats

Displays details of how many validations failed, passed or were unable to complete (displayed as 'Unavailable') broken down by severity level (Severe, Warning and Info)

Validation Status

Overall result of bill validation: Passed, Failed or Query

This column displays the overall results of bill validations that were performed on the Tenant Bill

If all bill validations passed, the Validation Status column will display the value "Passed" (highlighted in green)

If at least one bill validation failed with "Severe" severity level, the Validation Status column will display the value "Failed" (highlighted in red)

If no bill validation failed with "Severe" severity level and at least one bill validation failed with "Warning" severity level, the Validation Status column will display the value "Query" (highlighted in yellow)

Batch Number

The Batch Number stamped on an issued Tenant Bill when it was exported

Tenant Bill BatchThe Tenant Bill Batch number for the Bills

External Invoice ID

The External Invoice ID that has been applied to the Tenant Bill 

Non Periodic Consumption Derived

A flag to identify whether consumption for a Non Periodic Channel used to calculate the Tenant Bill has been extrapolated

Meter Reads EstimatedA tick box to show if the Meter Readings have been estimated

Missing Data

A flag to identify whether a gap was identified for a Periodic Channel used to calculate the Tenant Bill

Billing Group Timezone

The Time zone configured for the Tenant Billing Group

Meter Source DescriptionContains details of the Meter(s) and/or the Tariff Source(s) of the Tariff Connector(s) used to calculate a Tenant Bill. Where multiple Meter(s) and/or Tariff Source(s) have been used, the values will be concatenated
Meter Type DescriptionContains details of the Meter Type(s) and/or the Tariff Connector(s) used to calculate a Tenant Bill. Where multiple Meter Type(s) and/or Tariff Connector(s) have been used, the values will be concatenated
PDFA tick box to show if there is a PDF available
Consumption CSVA tick box to show if there is a Consumption CSV available
Audit ReferenceThe Audit Reference number 
Bill MethodShows Periodic or Ad-hoc
Charge GroupShows the Charge Group (if applicable)

TA Property 1

If the Property Key 1 checkbox is ticked, the value configured for the selected Property Key 1

TA Property 2

If the Property Key 2 checkbox is ticked, the value configured for the selected Property Key 2

TA Property 3

If the Property Key 3 checkbox is ticked, the value configured for the selected Property Key 3

TA Property 4

If the Property Key 4 checkbox is ticked, the value configured for the selected Property Key 4

Click here for details on how to customise columns in  Approve and Issue Bills Activity. 

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