Validator Configuration and Failure Messages

Sigma Online User Manual

Validator Configuration and Failure Messages


A bill validator is a simple set of defined rules that are checked against a sigma bill producing a pass/fail result. These results can then be manipulated by the validation system to produce a set of alerts of various severities to the user. This document provides a description for the majority of validators currently available for setup with the TEAM Sigma software.


  • General bill
  • Bill entry
  • Tenant bill

Severity Levels

  • Pass– bill passes all validation and should be paid
  • Info– validator just for information purposes
  • Warning– validator of medium severity and you may need to raise a query
  • Severe– this is a severe failure which requires a password to enter the invoice


Over the next few pages, you will see some Validators marked with , these are ones that are recommended by the Team Bureau


 GB - MeterSerialNumberCheck

Bill Validators

See below links to the different types of Validators.  In each section you will see a list of the Validators along with links to show how to set up the Validator, what variables are available, what Bill Entry fields the validator checks and then an explanation of the Failure Prompt.

The sections are:

General Bill Entry Validation

Consumption Validation

PPU Validation

VAT & Tax Validation

Charges Validation

Manual Bill Entry Validation

Tenant Billing Validation

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