Sigma Online User Manual
Creating Associated Data in bulk (using a CSV File)
Associated Data Channels can be created in bulk using a Tag CSV File. However, you can also use the Associated Data Wizard within Sigma. Click on the link for more information.
This example shows how to create Floor Area in bulk, using a Tag CSV File
Creating the File
To create the Associated Data Channels in bulk, you will need to use a Tag CSV File.
The file contains the type of Associated Data (for example, Population, Floor Area or PPU).
The Tag CSV File will create the Channels and add the Value, an example is below:
Below is an example CSV File format. Use this example to create your own CSV file, but remember to delete the top row!
Associated Data for creating Associated data channels for Floor Area.csv
Note: Click
then click on to download the CSV file.Explaining the CSV File
It is important to fill out the CSV correctly to avoid creating incorrect data. Use the below guide to help you:
The Black writing indicates the Tags or default values (Do NOT change)
The Red writing indicates data that you will need to add
Note: This file has one line, but yours can have as many as you need
Remember to save the File as a CSV in order to import it.
Column | Requirement |
B | Organisation name, ie TRAINING ACADEMY |
D | Site Group name, ie LOCAL AUTHORITY |
F | Site name, ie LA Bowling Green |
H | Associated Data Channel ID (the Data Load ID in the Channel) which has to be unique (see notes below), ie LA Bowling Green Floor Area It is important to add a unique Channel ID (Data Load ID) in order for the Associated Data Channel to be created - each Channel (Floor Area) will need a unique ID. We suggest using the Site Name and the Channel Name, ie Validator Training Floor Area. Using just the Site Name would not allow you to have 2 Associated Data's under one Site, i.e. Floor Area and Occupancy. |
J | Associated Data Channel Name, ie LA Bowling Green Floor Area |
L | Asset Type (optional), ie Fiscal Grid Import |
N | Associated Data Channel Name, ie Floor Area |
P | The Floor Area unit, ie m2 |
R | Date and Time to start using this value, ie 10/04/2021 00:00 (typed in exactly this format) |
S | Date and Time to stop using this value, ie leave blank if there isn't an end date or use the same format as above |
T | Floor Area value, ie 1500 (1000 m2) |
Loading the above details, will create an Associated Data Channel underneath Site number LA Bowling Green. Columns B, D and F are to check the locationof the Site , ie the Site Group and Organisation.
- Right click on the Associated Data Channel to see the details, then click Edit Data to see the Date/Time and Value.
Tip: Create a file with one example line in it. Upload the data (as described below). Check that the Channel has been created and that the value has been entered. Then create a file with as many lines as you need.
Uploading the CSV File
Once you have created the CSV File, import via the Importing Activity:
- Open the Importing Activity
- Run Now > Choose General Tag CSV
- Next > Upload File and choose the File
- Next > Run Now > Finish
This will create your Associated Data Channels and the Floor Area value within it.
Click here for more information on importing in bulk.
When values change (for example a price increase), they will need to be updated, click here on how to Update Associated Data Values.
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