Sigma Online User Manual
Network Charge Validation Error Messages
Network Charge Validation is set up with the EDI Setup Activity and are valid for EDI Bills only.
Note: These Validators only work on Bills which have start dates on or after 1st April 2022.k
In summary, the validation that can be performed:
- LLF and ASC combination are valid (i.e. new TCR charging bands)
- Unit Rate Validation: RAG (Red, Amber, Green) Charges, Standing Charge, Capacity Charge, Excess Capacity Charge and Reactive Power Charge
- Consumption Validation: Checks that the HH Consumption has been apportioned into the appropriate Red, Amber and Green bands (where HH meters are linked to the Billing Account)
- Consumption Losses Validation: Checks that the appropriate loss coefficients have been applied to the metered consumption
This Validation is done through the following Validators. If Validation fails, the following error messages will appear:
DUOS Band Mapping Validation |
Takes the Distribution area (from the MPAN on the bill) and checks that the DUOS bands match the expected bands. Validator MessageBill
This bill shows the charges as DUoS Unit Charges 1, 2 and 3. Other bills may shows as Red, Amber and Green. ExplanationExpected and actual DUO bands don't match - an LLF of '093' - the last part of the top line of the MPAN on the bill - 093 and an ASC of '900' - the Agreed Supply Capacity on the bill for distributor '10' - the Distributor ID on the bill (first section of the bottom line of the MPAN) should be charged using band 'HVSiteSpecificBand1' (0 kVA to 5000 kVA, - the Band for LLF 093, with a capacity of 900, in the Distributor 10 area should be Band 1 however the bill was actually charged using band 'HVSiteSpecificBand3' (12000 kVA to 21500 kVA) - The bill has charged DUOS charges at Band 3, a higher charge |
DUOS Capacity Rate Validation |
Takes the Distribution area (from the MPAN) and checks that the capacity rates applied to the relevant kVA results in the correct capacity charge Validator MessageBillExplanationBilled monthly rate '39.20 p/kVA' - the bill shows 0.392 (pence) Capacity Charge does not match published calculated rate of '40.60 p/kVA' - the current published rate for an MPAN / Distributor |
DUOS Consumption Rates Validation |
Takes the Distribution area (from the MPAN on the bill) and checks that the consumption billed for the red / amber / green time periods is correct (this can only happen where the billing accounts is also linked with the fiscal half-hourly meter via the Supply Point). Validator Message
BillThis bill shows the charges as DUoS Unit Charges 1, 2 and 3. Other bills may shows as Red, Amber and Green. ExplanationBilled charge 'red' with rate of '3.533 p/kWh' - the bill shows a rate of 3.533 (DUoS Unit Charge 1) does not match published rate of '4.790 p kWh' - the current rate for red with an LLF in the 23 Distribution area is 4.790 (the bill is 0.03533) Billed charge 'green' with rate of '0.990 p/kWh' - the bill shows a rate of 0.990 (DUoS Unit Charge 3) does not match published rate of '0.99 p/kWh' - the current rate for green with an LLF in the 23 Distribution area is 0.99 (the bill is 0.990) Billed charge 'amber' with rate of '1.405 p/kWh' - the bill shows a rate of 1.405 (DUoS Unit Charge 2) does not match published rate of '1.004 p/kWh' - the current rate for amber with an LLF in the 23 Distribution area is 1.004 (the bill is 1.405) |
DUOS Excess Capacity Rate Validation |
Takes the Distribution area (from the MPAN on the bill) and checks that the excess capacity rates applied to the relevant kVA result in the correct excess capacity charge. Validator MessageBillExplanationBilled month rate '8.30 p/kVA' - the bills shows 0.083 does not match published calculated rate of '249.00 p kVA' - the current published rate for the MPAN / Distributor / LLF |
DUOS Reactive Power Rate Validation |
Takes the Distribution area (from the MPAN on the bill) and checks that the standing charge rate applied to the relevant KvarH results in the correct fixed charge. Validator MessageBillExplanationBilled rate of .0.388 p/kVarh' - the rate shown on the bill does not match published rate of '0.0000 p/kVArh' - the published rate |
DUOS Standing Charge Validation |
Takes the Distribution area (from the MPAN) and checks that the standing charge rate applied to the relevant number of bill days results in the correct fixed charge. Validator MessageBillThis bill shows the charges as DUoS Unit Charges 1, 2 and 3. Other bills may shows as Red, Amber and Green. ExplanationBilled month cost '5.57' - the bill shows 28 days x 19.91p = £5.57 does not match published calculated cost of '5.77' - the published rate for Distributor |
DUOS Timeband Consumption Validation |
Takes the Distribution area (from the MPAN on the bill) and checks that the total Red, Amber and Green charges are correct compared with rates published for the LLF / Distributor. Validator MessageBillDUOS consumption for band red had a billed value of: 1217.90, - the cost on the bill for DUOS red units but the calculated value was: 6717.40 - the published rate DUOS consumption for band green had a billed value of: 5287.90, - the cost on the bill for DUOS green units but the calculated value was: 3876.40 - the published rate DUOS consumption for band amber has a billed value of: 3010.10, - the cost on the bill for DUOS amber units but the calculated value was: 20305.80 - the published rate |
Losses Calculation Validation |
This validation checks that the HH metered consumption uplifted by the published loss coefficients represents the consumption that has been billed against the consumption based distribution charges. The HH data must exist against a Periodic Channel in Sigma and be connected to the Account via the Supply Point. Distribution Losses are the difference between the electricity entering the distribution network and that leaving it (i.e. going into a meter). Validator MessageBillExplanationBilled GSP Consumption 59262.20 - the consumption on the bill does not match loss adjusted consumption of 300833.80 - the consumption in the Periodic Channel associated with the Account |
MPAN Top Line Validation |
Checks the top line of the MPAN is a valid combination Validator MessageBillExplanationBill period 01/03/2014 to 01/04/2014 is not within the settlement range 01/04/2014 to 31/12/2050 |
Valid Supply Point Check |
Checks the that the MPAN in the Bill is a valid. Validator MessageBillExplanation'008450821080002652861' not matched with account supply points - The MPAN in the bill 008450821080002652861 does not match with the MPAN associated to the Account in Sigma |
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