Search Options

Sigma Online User Manual

Search Options


There are various ways to search in Sigma. This guide will help you understand how to search and when one method may be more useful than another.

The Data Selector is the tool used to search within the database. It is located on the left hand side of the screen and will default to the best option available.   For example, in Estate Management Activity, the Data Selector will default to Item Finder > Site as it assumes you will want to find a Site.  If this is not what you want, you change it to one of the other options available.  See below for details.

The following options are available:

Tree Selector

 The Tree Selector allows you to see the database structure and to understand the set up.

Using the Tree Selector

  • From an Activity, change the Data Selector to Multi-List Selector
  • Click on Organisation to view Sites, Meters, Accounts etc,
  • Double click on the Organisation name
  • Double click on the Site Group
  • Double click on the Site


  • Double click on any of the Items to see further details such as the Account number, Meter Number, Supply Point ID etc.


Viewing the structure of Sigma

From the Tree Selector, you can also see more of the structure of Sigma, such as Associated Data, Bulk Bill Batches, Commodities, Cost Definitions, EDI Providers and Providers

  • Double click on the folder to see more details


Multi-List Selector

The Multi List Selector allows you to view several columns at a time, such as Site, Account and Bill.

This allows you to pick the site and it will display all of the Accounts situated underneath that Site.

Using the Multi-List Selector

  • From an Activity, change the Data Selector to Multi-List Selector
  • Choose the Items you want to use, for example Site Group and Site
  • This selection will show two columns - Site Group and the Site


Viewing the Sites associated with a Site Group

  • Click on a Site Group
  • Click on one or more Sites to report on a few sites at the same time


Customising the Multi-List Selector view

You can view up to 4 columns and customise this to show which columns are applicable for you.
Each column will need to sit below the previous in the hierarchy. For instance, if you have the Meter column, you can then add in a non-periodic channel column.

  •  Click on Default views
  • Click on Custom


  • Click on the + to add in additional columns



  • Click on the arrow to change the column


Item Finder

If you are searching for a particular Item (i.e. Site, Account, Meter etc), Item Finder is best for this.

Using the Item Finder

From an Activity

  • Change the Data Selector to Item Finder and choose the Item you want to search for the first 100 Items will be shown.


  • To view the complete list, click   to show the full list.


  • Enter an Item name/number to search > click on the magnifying glass to see the results
  • Click on the X to clear the results
  • Click on the magnifying glass to see the list again.


Alternatively, enter a new search criteria.

Searching for more than one Item

  • Select the Item(s) you want to search for, ie Accounts
  • Click  Show/Hide multi item search 
  • Paste the Account numbers (or Meter numbers etc) in the the search field
  • Click on the magnifying glass to see all the Accounts (or Meters) you want to include


Filtering by Property Key in the Item Finder

You can search for specific items, such as Property Keys within your database via the Item Finder.

Click here for more information on Property Keys.

  • Choose the Item you want to filter on
  • Click on the Find and Filter option 
  • Click Single Property
  • Choose the Property Key you want to filter to


  • If the Property Key is set up as True or False, type True in the Search for Field 


  • Click OK to show the results  that have a Property Key of HH Data 
  • Click Reset to reset the Data Selector

Filtering by Commodity in the Item Finder

You can filter to a Commodity using the Item Finder.

  • Choose Item Finder
  • Item Type - choose the Item, ie Account
  • Click on  Find and Filter 
  • Click Referenced Item
  • Choose the Commodity
  • Type the Commodity, ie elec (for electricity)


The results will only be those that with the specified Commodity

  • Click Reset to reset the Data Selector

Global Search

You can search the whole database using the Global Search. It may be that you are unsure if the details you have are an Invoice number or a Meter number, or you may want to search for any Sites with a Post Code starting MK14.

  • Enter the details in the Search field (top right of Sigma)


Alternatively if you are already in an Activity:

  • Change the Data Selector to Global Search
  • Enter the details, such as 123456 to see what results are returned


In this example it can find the number in various areas such as Supply Point, Account etc

  • Double click on section to see more details


Stored Searches 

Stored Searches can be created and stored in Sigma and are individual to your database. This search allows you to use previously created searches such as 'All Sites Elec Periodic Channels'. The search is dynamic and will produce an up to date list of the Items required. Very useful when you want to run a report.

Creating a Stored Search

Click here for details on how to create a Stored Search.

Using a Stored Search

Once the Stored Search has been created, it can then be used, generally in the Reporting Activity saving the User having to choose all the Items and narrow down to the required flags, commodity etc. 

Each time the Search is used, Sigma will dynamically follow the steps created in the search.  This helps when you are wanting to pick all the current Electricity Accounts for instance. 

You do not need to check if new Accounts have been added, the Stored will do that for you.

  • Open the Activity (for example Reporting)
  • Click on the Data Selector dropdown and choose Stored Searches


  • Select the Stored Search from the Stored Searches dropdown


The data selector will now perform the Stored Search, ie it will go through the actions created when the Stored Search was made

(in the above instance it would find all the Periodic Channels for the Local Authority, narrowed down to the commodity of Electricity 

To see the steps used in creating the Stored Search, click on Search Steps  at the bottom of the screen

Use the Expand button  to see each step in more detail 

Sigma will automatically select all the Items in the list and you can now run your selected report. 

If you do not want to use them all, untick the Select all Items in the Stored Search box then individually choose the Items you require.

Amending a Stored Search

Click here for details on how to amend a Stored Search.

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