Example Fixed Trend Profile Configurations

Sigma Online User Manual

Example Fixed Trend Profile Configurations

Creating Fixed Trend Profiles

Managing Fixed Trend Profiles

Example Fixed Trend Profile Configurations

The table below provides a summary of the different configuration options available to help clarify how the system can be setup to perform the various checks for you, and what they actually mean.

I want to be able to...Period to Monitor

Low Threshold Ticked?

Low Threshold FigureHigh Threshold Ticked?High Threshold FigureRaise a notification after X consecutive breachesNotes

check for any Periodic Channel that records Zero consumption



0.01 (for each hour)Untickedn/a1

As the Low Threshold is set to 0.01, anything below that will raise a notification, i.e, 0 will create a notification.

Note, as the minimum time to monitor is 1 hour, the Channel will need to record 0 for two consecutive half hours if the Breach is set at 1.

check for consumption between 00:00 and 06:00  (good to see if there is water (or energy) consumption overnight)DayUntickedTimes between 00:00 to 06:00 set at 20 (a low figure) and between 0700 and 23:00 set at 200 (a high figure)Tickedn/a4

This configuration will monitor the consumption 24 hours. During 00:00 to 06:00 it will monitor if the consumption goes over 20 (the lowest you would expect to use in an hour), but during the day. 07:00 - 23:00 as the consumption figure is set high, this shouldn't cause any notifications.

If you have the number of breaches set at 4, then the consumption would need to be lower than/higher than for 4 hours. (If your data is recorded half hourly, it will add up the two figures per hour).

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