EI Dashboards - Energy Management Overview Dashboard

Sigma Online User Manual

EI Dashboards - Energy Management Overview Dashboard


This section of the User Manual explains how to add a Dashboard using the Sigma Energy Intelligence module. Once added, you can easily access it every time you open Energy Intelligence. The page also gives you an explanation of the reports that are on the default Dashboards.

Opening Energy Intelligence

After logging in to Sigma, click on the Energy Intelligence activity

Adding the Dashboards to your View

 Click on the main menu icon

Click on Browse

Click on Dashboards

This will show all Dashboards in your database

Double click on Energy Management Overview Dashboard

Click Add

Also add the Site Analysis Dashboard

The Dashboards will now be saved for you in your view

Viewing the Dashboards

Each time you log in, you can go straight to the Dashboards without having to search for them.

Click on the main menu icon


Click Dashboards

Click Energy Management Overview


Click Site Analysis

Energy Management Overview

The Energy Management Overview Dashboard is made up of four reports, with additional reports that you drill into from the top four. An explanation of each report is provided below.

Year to Date Energy Estate Overview

This report provides a year to date overview of billed cost and consumption for the current year and the same period in the previous year, with the applicable percentage change and trend. There is also a summary of all billed costs and all emissions for the current year.

Site Performance League Table Summary (10 Worst Performing)

This report details the current year to date total billed electricity and gas consumption and also consumption per m2 of floor area. This report is ordered by consumption per m2 to help highlight your 10 worst performing Sites. You can also see how the total site consumption compares to the same period in the previous year. A Site Name can be selected to drill down further and provide a view of the monthly billed costs and consumption for the site.

The Site Name is a hyperlink which will take you to the Year to Date Monthly Site Cost and Consumption per Commodity report for the Site you have chosen.

  1. You can drill down further to a month by clicking on the column in the graph or the hyperlink in the chart
  2. This will take you to the Site Monthly Billed Energy Cost & Consumption vs. Previous Year report for the month and site that has been chosen
  3. Further pages may be available. Use the blue back and forward arrows to go to other pages
  4. Click X in the top right to return to the Dashboard

Year to Date Monthly Site Cost and Consumption per Commodity

This report is accessed by selecting one of the sites in the Site Performance League Table Summary report.
It displays the monthly billed cost and consumption for electricity and gas for the current year to date and the same period in the previous year in both graphical and tabular form. A specific month can be selected to focus on the specific trends for that month.

Site Monthly Billed Energy Cost and Consumption vs. Previous Year

This report is accessed by selecting a month in the Year to Date Monthly Site Cost and Consumption per Commodity report.
It details the billed cost and consumption for gas and electricity for the specific month compared to the same month in the previous year and shows the move in the tabular data below.

Indicative Cost of Missing Bills (10 Most Expensive)

This report determines the total number of days where bills are missing for an account and calculates an indicative cost based on the daily average bill amount for the existing bills. An account can be selected to see which particular periods of time bills are missing for.

Further pages may be available. Use the blue back and forward arrows to go to other pages

The Account number is a hyperlink which will take you to the Missing Bill Days for Account Report for the Account you have chosen

Hover over the gap to see the date range

Click X in the top right to return to the Dashboard

Yearly Comparison Trends

This report displays the total consumption usage across all commodities for each year. The current year with the last 4 years will be displayed, and it will be up until the end of the last calendar month. The best available consumption from metered and/or billed data is used to ensure it is as complete as possible. Selecting a data point will allow you to explore the data at a lower granularity.

Click on a data point to go to the Monthly Consumption by Site report, where a monthly breakdown of the data will be shown for the selected year.
This report provides the total consumption usage by site, across all commodities for a specific year. Selecting a month will allow you to explore the data at a lower granularity.

The cell will be highlighted in red where the percentage change from the previous month is more than 100% higher.

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