Greenhouse Gas Reporting (GHG)

Sigma Online User Manual

Greenhouse Gas Reporting (GHG)

Sigma can help you to measure, understand and report your Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions across your entire suite of business operations. It has been designed using the International Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol and hence you are able to categorise your emissions under Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3.

You can now achieve all your GHG reporting needs within Sigma to get a complete view of your Carbon footprint. Any stream of data can be loaded into Sigma which represent activities which result in carbon emissions; above and beyond the typical electricity and fuel-based commodities which are being captured as a result of Supplier bill and Metering data. Such data might include Waste, Transport, Business Travel, Commuting, Supply Chain etc. 

Out the box, the system will provide a full and up-to-date set of GHG conversion factors published by the UK Government, supporting the automatic calculation of resultant emissions from the various GHG emitting activities.

By combining Best Available Data reporting where Sigma allows you to stitch together supplier billing, metering and supplier statement information, this can be combined with the additional "scope 3" information to produce GHG or SECR type reports, providing a complete breakdown of all emissions resulting from business operations.

This page contains:

The below lists the key capabilities offered by the GHG reporting tools within Sigma:

Emissions factors

Full extended set of UK Government published emissions factors available out-the-box in Sigma and will be maintained as and when they change.

Emission categorisation

Sigma will allow you to categorise against a Commodity the GHG Category as per the UK Government published factors – includes, Scope, Category, Activities and Sub-categories

Comprehensive coverage

Ability to load any stream of data for the purpose of calculating GHG emissions

Flexible data capture

Ability for Sigma to compute the emissions based on the raw data entered or feed in the actual emissions if they are already known to display on reports “as is. Click here for more information.

Customisable & instant emission reporting 

Allowing Users to slice and dice the data as they need it - by geographical location, department, scope, category etc.

100% auditable

Transparency of all conversion factors used in calculations and when data has been changed


Additional streams of GHG data can be reported alongside existing core energy and utilities. No limit to the number of different categories and activities that can be reported

Custom reports and dashboards

Updated “Emissions Summary” dashboard to incorporate the new additional streams of data to provide an estate level view into overall carbon emissions

These links will help you create the Items you need in Sigma to enable you to report on Scope 3 data:

  • Energy Intelligence has an Emissions Summary Dashboard that details all consumption and emissions data.  Click on the link below to open the Dashboard in your Sigma Database.  Once you have clicked on the link, log into Sigma as usual and the Dashboard will be displayed:
    • Emissions Summary Dashboard
      • The dashboard has 7 tabs of data: 
        • Scope Emissions
        • Emissions Summary
        • Site Emissions Summary
        • Supply Point Emissions Summary
        • Cons Data Emissions
        • Data Quality & Sources
        • Supply Config Issues

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