EBRS in Sigma

Sigma Online User Manual

EBRS in Sigma

This is a new bill charge that will appear on many electricity and gas bills for consumption periods between 1st October 2022 and 31st March 2023.

Sigma will (where possible) differentiate this charge and store it in a specific locations so that specific EBRS discount value can be identified..

Due to the quick turn around of the scheme becoming legislation, and the very short implementation period for suppliers to apply the new discount charging in their billing systems, we have been waiting for example bills to be received which show how Suppliers have added the charge in their electronic billing files which Sigma will need to process.

In some cases, Sigma will be able to handle the identification of the charge and its subsequent processing through configuration which can be implemented rapidly and we will apply any such configuration changes on the same day.

However, in some cases, we will need to make software changes to handle the updated formats which will require a new release to be implemented.

We will maintain an up-to-date view of the Supplier electronic billing formats we have received and the current situation with respect to being able to load bills from that Supplier into Sigma.

If you are unsure, please contact the Sigma Support Helpdesk.


Storing the Charge in Sigma

Electricity Bills

For electricity bills, the charge will be stored in the “otherCharge10” field on the Sigma screens, as below.

New Bill Entry


Bill Entry Original


Gas Bills

For gas bills, the charge will be stored in the “Bill adjustment” field on the Sigma screens, as below.

New Bill Entry

Bill Entry Original

Supplier Billing Formats

The table below shows the current situation with respect to the Supplier billing formats.

If the Supplier is not listed in the table, it means we have not yet received an billing file from them which contains the EBRS charge contained in it. If you have received an example - please so send onto us (via support@teamenergy.com), so we can assess and make any configuration changes to handle the discount charge appropriately.

This table will be updated with details of Supplier Bills as we get examples through from Suppliers or via our Customers.




Workaround Option




Workaround Option



Implemented & ready

Based on the example files we have received, the EBRS discount line appears in exactly the same format as the main energy gas unit rate (with the supporting meter readings). This will therefore lead to double counting of the billed consumption in Sigma and the EBRS charge to be stored in the incorrect location without software change.





Implemented & ready

EBRS charges will be stored in “Other Charges 10” field (tag 1407).

Example EDI Line:

-00000000542Unit charge GOVTDISC




Implemented & ready

EBRS charges will be stored in “Other Charges 10” field (tag 1407).

Example EDI Line:

Electricity: CCD=14+2::ADD+563023:Energy Bill Reliefscheme




Implemented & ready

EBRS charges will be stored in “Bill adjustment” field (tag 2073).




Implemented & ready

EBRS charges will be stored in “Other Charges 10” field (tag 1407).

Example EDI Line:

CCD=5+2::NPC+ERS:Energy Bill Relief Scheme+++1416903213002+++31++14880000:KWH+++




Implemented & ready

EBRS charges will be stored in “Bill adjustment” field (tag 2073).


Total Energies


Implemented & ready

EBRS charges will be stored in “Other Charges 10” field (tag 1407).

Example EDI Line:

CCD=3+2::2+:EBRS Disc.++++220331+220301+++194400:KWH+++++194400:KWH+220301+220331+105000+204:R++S


Total Energies


Implemented & ready



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