This section shows how to work through an EDI Batch and how to investigate Bills that have failed Validation.
Opening EDI Batch Management
- Open EDI Batch Management Activity
- Highlight the Batch in the Data Selector to see the details
- Click on the below PDF to download a flowchart on how to deal with the Failed and Query Validation
Header Details
The Header gives details regarding the Batch:
Understanding the Layout
- Click here for more details on the layout
Status Meanings
The Status of the Bill will show as below and will need different actions.
(see below for specific actions)
Bills with a Status of Passed
- Info/Passed - shows as Passed
- The Bill has either Passed all the Validation, or has failed Info Validation and needs Loading to the Account
- Info Validation can be investigated later, via EI Reporting
Bills with a Status of Query
- Warning - shows as Query
- No Further Action required - Pass and Load the Bill
- Further Investigation required, but you still want to process the Bill
- Create or Append a Query, Pass and Load the Bill
Bills with a Status of Failed
- Severe - shows as Failed
- No Further Action required - Pass, Override and Load the Bill
- Further Investigation required, but you still want to process the Bill
- Pass and Create or Append a Query and Load the Bill
- Amendment to the Bill is required
- Copy the Failed Bill to the Account
Bills with a Status Loaded
- Complete - Some of above actions have been completed and the Bill is visible in Bill Entry and Reporting
- The Bill now shows in Bill Entry and Reporting
Accepting the Batch
Note: If you chose to automatically accept the Batch when loading the File in EDI Batch Load, and it has passed the Passed Bill Threshold, this will automatically be done
- Click to Accept the Batch
- Click Accept
- Click Yes
- Click X to close the pop up
Investigating the Query/Failed Bills
Each Failed, Credit or Query Bill needs to be investigated to see what Validators it has failed on, and for you to decide what actions to take.
The following right click options will help you understand why the Bill has failed.
- View Status Notes
- View in Account Context
- View Printed Bill
- View EDI Bill
- Estate Management
- Edit Queries > Edit Account Queries
- Right click on the Bill Line and click on the following options:
Right click > View Status Notes
Shows the reason(s) the bill has failed
Right click > View in Account Context
This option allows you to display a pop-up of all the bills for this account - including the bill in the EDI Batch Management. It will highlight the Bill in grey.
It allows you to see the full account history and can help to see any spurious behaviour in previous bills and may help explain the situation.
- Click on the PDF to view the Bill (far right)
- Click on Show Sigma Bill to see the bill in Sigma (bottom left)
- OR open the Bill View Activity and search for the Account
Right click > View Printed Bill
- Shows the Bill, including details of the failures
Right click > View EDI Bill
- Similar to View Printed Bill, but downloads a PDF image
Right click > Estate Management
This option takes you to the Accounts Tab in the Estate Management Activity and highlights the Account you have click on.
From here you can click on other options to move to other Activities such as:
- Bill Entry Original
- Bill Entry
- EDI Account History
- Validation Management
- EDI Batch Management
- Reporting
- Analysis
Alternatively, click on one of the Tabs to view data at a Site Level:
- Site Summary
- Supply Point
- Accounts
- Meter & Channels
- Click here for more information on the Estate Management Activity
Right click > Edit Queries > Edit Account Queries
- Queries in orange are open, Queries in white are closed
- Click on a Query to see more detail
- View from Estate Management - see above
Viewing all EDI Bills for an Account
The EDI Account History Activity shows all EDI Bills, including those that have not yet been Passed and/or Loaded into Bill Entry/Reporting
- Click here for more details on the EDI Account History Activity
EDI Batch Management Actions
Once you have investigated the Bill, you need to decide on the next action:
- Bills with a Passed Status (Green)
- Load the Bill to the Account
- Bills with a Query Status (Orange)
- No Further Action required - Pass and Load the Bill t
- Further Investigation required, but you still want to process the Bill
- Create or Append a Query, Pass and Load the Bill
- Bills with a Failed Status (Red)
- No Further Action required - Pass, Override and Load the Bill
- Further Investigation required, but you still want to process the Bill
- Pass and Create or Append a Query and Load the Bill
- Amendment to the Bill is required
- Copy the Failed Bill to the Account
See below for more information:
Loading Bills with a Passed Status (Green)
- Click Purple) to Load the Bill - changes the status to Loaded (
Loading Bills with a Query Status (Orange)
There are three options when loading a Failed Bill:
- No Further Action required - Load the Bill as no further Action required
- Further Action required - Append and existing Query
- Further Action required - Create a new Query
No Further Action required:
- Right click on the Bill > Toggle Status
- Click Purple) to Load the Bill - changes the status to Loaded (
Further Investigation required:
If an outstanding Query already exists for the same failure, append the Query OR create a New Query:
Check for existing Queries:
- Right click on the Bill > Edit Queries > Edit Account Queries
- Any showing in Brown are outstanding and can be Appended
Appending a Query
- Right click on the Bill > Edit Queries > Edit Account Queries
- Right click on the Query > Append Query
This will open the Query Editor and show the appended date and User appending the Query
- Append the Query
- Click OK to close
Once the Query has been created:
- Right click on the Bill > Toggle Status
- Click Purple) to Load the Bill - changes the status to Loaded (
Creating a New Query
- Right click on the Bill > Generate Queries > Generate Account Queries
- Tick to append the details of the failed valuation
- Choose the Originator
- Choose the Category
- Add the Query value (following the guidelines).
- Add your own information to the Query Summary (following the guidelines). The Batch number and the Invoice number will show in the
- Click OK
- Right click on the Bill > Toggle Status
The Bill now shows as Passed (Green)
- Click Purple) to Load the Bill - changes the status to Loaded (
Loading Bills with a Failed Status (Red)
There are four options when loading a Failed Bill:
- No Further Action required - Load the Bill as no further Action required
- Further Action required - Append and existing Query
- Further Action required - Create a new Query
- Amend the Bill
No Further Action required
- Right click on the Bill > Toggle Status
The Validation Results Popup appears to show what validation the Bill has failed on:
- Click Save to show the Choose Option pop up
- Click Override
- Choose the User
- Enter the Password
- Enter the reason for the override
- Click Purple) to Load the Bill - changes the status to Loaded (
Further Investigation required
If an outstanding Query already exists for the same failure, append the Query OR create a New Query.
Check for existing Queries:
- Right click on the Bill > Edit Queries > Edit Account Queries
- Any showing in Brown are outstanding and can be Appended
Appending a Query
- Right click on the Bill > Edit Queries > Edit Account Queries
- Right click on the Query > Append Query
This will open the Query Editor and show the appended date and User appending the Query
- Append the Query
- Click OK to close
Once the Query has been created:
- Right click on the Bill > Toggle Status
- Click Purple) to Load the Bill - changes the status to Loaded (
Creating a New Query
- Right click on the Bill > Toggle Status
The details of the failed Validation shows:
- Click Save to show the Choose Option pop up
- Click Query
- Tick to append the details of the failed valuation
- Choose the Originator
- Choose the Category
- Add the Query value (following the guidelines).
- Add your own information to the Query Summary (following the guidelines). The Batch number and the Invoice number will show in the
- Click OK
- Right click on the Bill > Toggle Status
The Bill now shows as Passed (Green)
- Click Purple) to Load the Bill - changes the status to Loaded (
Amending the Bill
- Right click on the Bill > Copy Failed Bill to Account and the Sigma Bill Editor pop up appears
- Amend the Bill > Click Save
- Click Purple) to Load the Bill - changes the status to Loaded(M) (
Account Number not Found
If Sigma cannot find the Account number, the status will show as Query and the Account number will be highlighted in Red
Investigation will need to be done to see why the Account number cannot be found:
- Is the Account in Sigma?
- Has the Account Number changed (But the Supplier is still the same)?
- Has the Account Number and Supplier Changed?
Investigating the Account Number
- Right click on the Bill > View Printed Bill
- Note the Site Address, Meter Number and Supply Point ID from the Bill
- Open Estate Management and search for all of the above to see if the Account already exists
- If you can find the Site, Meter and/or Supply Point but not the Account - the Account will need to be created
- If you find the Site, but a different Account Number - the Account number will need to be updated
- If you find the Site, but a different Account Number and Supplier - the Account and Supplier will need to be updated
Account not in Sigma
Search for the Site, Account, Meter and/or Supply Point in Sigma to see if any already exist
- If the Site doesn't exist
- Click here for more information on creating a Site
- If the Site exists but not the Account
- Click here for more information on creating an Account
Account Number has changed but the Supplier is still the same
Search for the Site, Account, Meter and/or Supply Point in Sigma to see if any already exist
- If the Site exists, but the Account number is different:
- Check the details to see if the Supplier has also changed
- If it is just the Account number that has changed:
- Click here for more information on how to amend the Account number
Account Number and Supplier has changed
Search for the Site, Account, Meter and/or Supply Point in Sigma to see if any already exist
- If the Site exists, but the Account number is different:
- Check the details to see if the Supplier has also changed
- If the Account and the Supplier have changed:
- Click here for more information on how to amend the Account number and Supplier
Refreshing the EDI Batch Management Activity
Once you have added or updated the Account number, you need to refresh the EDI Batch Management Activity
- Right click on the Account > Refresh Account Check
- The Account number will change from Red to Green and the status will change to Query (Orange)
- Right click again on the Account > Re-evalulate bill(s)
- The Bill will be re-evaluated and the status will change to Passed, Query or Failed (depending on whether it passes Validation or not)
- Investigate as above and load the Bill
Loading all Passed Bills to the Accounts
Note: if you have chosen to automatically load Passed Bills to Account, some bills will already show
Also Note: If you have created Queries on Failed Bills , you may already have loaded those too
Once you have been through the Batch and passed any queries and failures, you then need to load the Bills onto the Accounts, so that they are visible in Bill Entry and Reporting.
- Click Load passed Bills to target Accounts
will change toRenaming the Batch
Once you have finished working through a Batch, it is advisable to rename it
- Right click on the Batch name > Edit
- Rename the Batch in line with the previous batches
- Click OK