To initiate the refresh of Tenant Billing related data to Sigma Energy Intelligence (EI):
- Click on the Energy Intelligence icon at the top of the screen.
- The Energy Intelligence Actions pop-up opens. The Actions table within this pop-up provides a view of the last 10 refresh actions.
- Select the type of data to be refreshed from the Energy Intelligence Actions dropdown list (currently only "Tenant Bills & Charges" is available).
- If required, enter an email address in the Notification Email field to be notified when the refresh has been actioned.
- Click on the Action New Refresh button at the top of the screen. The Confirm pop-up opens:
- Click the Yes button to confirm the refresh action. The action is triggered and the Confirm pop-up closes.
- The new refresh action is displayed in the Actions table with a status of 'Pending'.
- When the refresh has been actioned, the status of the refresh action will be updated to 'Complete'.
- To cancel a 'pending' refresh action:
- Right-click on the refresh action and then click on the Cancel icon.
- Alternatively, click the No button to abandon the refresh action, close the Energy Intelligence Actions pop-up and redisplay the details in the Actions table unchanged.
- Other users may also be triggering or cancelling Energy Intelligence actions. Right-click anywhere in the Actions table and click on the Refresh icon to refresh the action details displayed.
- Click the x in the top right-hand corner to close the Energy Intelligence Actions pop-up.