Creating the Report:
- Create >
- Report >
- Choose Metered Consumption View
Data Tab
Drag and Drop to the canvas:
- Site Group Name
- Set Preview Row Limit to 15
- Click Refresh Report
Drag and Drop to the canvas:
- Site Name
- Cons Day Total
- Cons Date
Reset Preview:
- Delete 15 from the Preview Row Limit
- Click Refresh Report
Format Columns:
- Click on Column Formatting
- Format as required
- Choose various Items to filter on
- Drag and drop the Item to the Filters field
- Choose the way you want to filter, such as including in list, greater than, between etc
- User Prompt – allows you to filter each time you run the report
- Define Value –This is a permanent filter. For example, enter the name of the Site you wish to always exclude from your report
- Search Values – allows you to choose from a list of Items you wish to exclude. For example, tick all the sites you want to include or exclude permanently from the report
Filter Formatting:
- Click on Filter Formatting
- Choose General Settings for actions such as the format and actions
- Choose the Site Name to choose whether the Filter is Mandatory etc
Use Smart Analysis:
- Click Smart Analysis >
- Choose Daily Consumption
- Click Continue
- Pop appears on the right hand side with the suggested analysis
- Tick those that you want to use in your report