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Reports in Energy Intelligence are grouped into the following 'Views'.  A 'View' is the main source of data used to create the Report.

The following pages will shows examples of the Reports, along with a link to take you to the Report in your Energy Intelligence.

Sigma Views

Click on each link to take you to a Directory of Reports that use the View.

Data Availability
Sigma Best Available ConsumptionThe best available consumption for an Account5 years

Sigma Bill Consumption

Enriched daily consumption generated from bill totals, normalised to common units per account commodity and associated to all Sigma Items5 years
Sigma Bill Queries

All queries raised against bills within Sigma and associated to all Sigma Items

5 years

Sigma Bill Validation Results

The validation results for bills in Sigma and associated to all Sigma Items

5 years

Sigma Bills and Charges

The bills that have been loaded into Sigma, including individual charge lines, bill tags, batches and associated to all Sigma Items

5 years

Sigma Database Items

All Sigma item types available for reporting

5 years

Sigma Data Monitoring NotificationsData Monitoring Strategies and the Notifications that have been created for each StrategyN/A

Sigma High Frequency Periodic Data

High frequency data loaded from periodic channels

14 months

Sigma Metered Consumption

Enriched daily consumption data loaded in Sigma against both non-periodic and periodic channels, normalised to common units per commodity and associated to all Sigma Items5 years
Report Report Description
Monthly Billed Cost, Consumption and average daily Consumption

Details the monthly average and total consumption and costs for the selected Account(s). Restricted to A&R flagged Bills.

Accruals per Account by Month

Attempts to calculate an estimated bill cost for an Account for a year and month period. It will use recent, historic bill data or metered consumption, depending on the “quality” of metered consumption available. It will only accrue where it there is no actual billing data for the complete month. It will calculate the accrual based on the best data available. The Accrual Type column outlines the accrual methodology that has been used.

Billed Cost, Consumption and CO2 by Commodity (Stacked bar chart)Details the consumption and gross cost for selected Site(s) in a stacked bar chart.
Billed Consumption and Cost by Provider and Commodity

Provides an overview of the total consumption and gross cost by Provider and Commodity, displaying the information in four separate charts.

Billed Cost Year on Year ComparisonShows a calendar year on year comparison of the billed gross amount based on the bill read date using set analysis. 
Bill Tag Value (Last 12 Months)Used as a drill through for the PPU Validation and Standing Charge Validation reports. It reports on the value of a given Bill tag (field) and account for the last 12 months.
Bill Validation Statistics for the last Calendar MonthDetails the validation results for bills loaded into Sigma in the last calendar month.
Billed Electricity Consumption vs HH Consumption - 2 Period ComparisonCompares the Billed Consumption and the HH Consumption for and MPAN across two user-selected periods.
Bill Consumption Vs HH Consumption by AccountShows both the Daily Billed consumption and the HH (Periodic) consumption plotted on the same graph.
Bill Consumption vs previous bill and last years bill

Details the daily consumption from the current bill, the previous bill and the previous years bill, showing the percentage differences and potential savings.

Uses the Sigma Bill Consumption (primary view), Sigma Bill & Charges and Sigma Bill Consumption Views.

Billing Detail by Site and Commodity, tabbed in Financial YearsProvides a breakdown of the individual components of bills by site for a selected commodity and financial year.
Billed Cost, Consumption and Carbon EmissionsBreaks down the billed Cost, Consumption and Carbon Emissions per Commodity across all Sites. 5 years of data will be displayed unless the Date filter is used. All Commodities will be displayed unless the the filter is used.
Details of Bills enteredDetails the bills entered (using Bill Loaded Date) in Sigma between the selected date range, displayed by bill source e.g. manual, the number of bills entered per month and the number of actuals and estimates entered per Provider
Details of Bills entered in the last Calendar MonthDetails the bills entered in Sigma in the last calendar month (using Bill Loaded Date), displayed by bill source e.g. manual, and the number of actuals and estimates entered per Provider.
Bulk Bill Validation - Failed Validators in BatchDrill down report from Bulk Bill Summary Report.
Displays details about the invoices which have one or more validation failure in a batch.
Bulk Bill Batch - Invoice DetailsDrill down report from Bulk Bill Summary Report.
Displays details of the invoices within a Bulk Bill Batch.
Bulk Bill Validation - Passed Validators in BatchDrill down report from Bulk Bill Summary Report.
Displays validation details about the invoices which have one or more passed validator in a batch.
Bulk Bill Summary Report for today minus 12 monthsDisplays summary information on the Bulk Bills loaded into Sigma. By default batches loaded in the period of today minus 12 months are displayed.
Contains Drill Down from the Batch Number to related batch validation and invoice information.
Bulk Bill Validation - Unable to Complete ValidatorsDrill down report from Bulk Bill Summary Report.
Displays the validators that were unable to complete in a batch.
Capacity Review - Details for 12 months (last month minus 12 months)Displays the capacity information for each Account which contains itemised capacity related charges.
Calculates a potential saving based on the capacity being adjusted to within 20 percentage of the maximum demand for Sites that have over 20% or less than 3% spare capacity.
CO2 and CO2e Variance Over Time (using best available data)

Details the CO2 and CO2e variance over a period of time by financial year for selected Site(s) or Site Group(s)

Consumption Comparison to Historic DataDisplays the average total consumption for a week for selected Site(s) and a comparison to the consumption this week, last week, last month and a period of today minus 12 months
HH Consumption (list 30 days) Drill Down

Provides a view of periodic data for a selected site or channel. All the charts in this report will default to the last 30 days. It will provide a heat map to show the usage for each half hour period across each day of the week. This will help highlight suspect usage. It will also provide a view of the trend for each day in the period, a breakdown of the data by each half hour period and a view of the total by day of the week.

Daily Energy Summary (Drill Through)This is a Drill Through Report.  Provides a view of daily granular consumption data for a particular Site, based on the high frequency data available for the selected day (bar) and for the same day in the previous year. 
Data Monitoring - Data Quality OverviewDetails the total stats for Data Quality across all sites
Data Monitoring - Data Quality Total StatsProvides the overall impact for each type of Data Quality check.
Data Monitoring - List of Quality Notifications

Shows a list of all open data quality notifications relating to gaps, unexpected or overdue data in the context of the meter and channel to which they relate.

Data Monitoring - Periods Affected By Poor Data QualityIndicates the total notifications and impact over time.
Data Monitoring - Progress Working Recent NotificationsProvides a timeline of how well notifications are being completed to achieve data quality.
Data Monitoring - Quality by Data Source

Details the overall impact for each of the Data Sources.  Contains Drill Through from the Channel Data Source to the List of Quality Notifications report

Data Monitoring - Site Affected MetersShows all meters and their channels for a site and their data quality issues.
Data Monitoring - Top 10 Worst Sites for Data QualityDisplays the top 10 sites based on the highest total impact (in Hours) of data quality issues.
Covers Gaps, Overdue Data and Unexpected Data.
Monitoring Strategies must be configured accordingly from the Data Monitoring Activity in Sigma for this to report anything.
(Drill through to Site Data Quality Dashboard)
Data Monitoring - Total Data Quality MeasureDisplays progress towards working all data monitoring notifications for data quality.
Days Since Last Actual Billed Reading (Electricity)Details the amount of days since an actual reading was included in your bill. Days will display in red where this is more than 90 days. The report is restricted to active accounts and includes bills that have the A&R reporting flags applied.
Days Since Last Actual Billed Reading (Gas)Details the amount of days since an actual reading was included in your bill. Days will display in red where this is more than 90 days. The report is restricted to active accounts and includes bills that have the A&R reporting flags applied.
Electricity Bill Elements Report

Shows the the billing elements such as the cost of the billed units, VAT.  Metered Consumption,  DUoS, Capacity, BSUoS, FIT, CCL etc.

Emission Factors using in EI ReportingDetails the four Emission Factors loaded into Energy Intelligence: CO2 factor- carbon dioxide CO2e factor - carbon dioxide equivalent CH4 factor - methane N2O factor - nitrous oxide
Emissions Report (using best available data)Shows the CO2, CO2e, CH4 and N2O emissions for selected Site(s) over selected period. Sites that contribute less than 2% emissions are grouped together in the 'Other' category.
Forensic Validation - Billed Vs HH ConsumptionCompares the Billed and HH consumption and gives an estimated cost to query when there is a difference in the 2. When HH data is not 100% for the given period the query amount will use estimated HH consumption for the missing data.
Forensic Validation - PPUDetails the validation results for the PPU rates for bills loaded into Sigma. By default it is set to run for the last calendar month and only show the validators that failed. The option to filter on account number and possible query value is available. There is also a drill through function on individual accounts.
Forensic Validation - Standing ChargesDetails the validation results for the Standing Charge rates for bills loaded into Sigma. By default it is set to run for the last calendar month and only show the validators that failed. The option to filter on account number and possible query value is available. There is also a drill through function on individual accounts.
High Frequency Periodic Data by Site (last three months)Details the total high frequency periodic data for selected Site(s) for the last 3 calendar months on a site by site basis
HH Channel Daily ComparisonCompares 2 daily consumption profiles from the same HH Channel, superimposed on a common axis allowing the user to spot variations.
An energy profile graph is presented providing the times of the day. A table of figures looks at the variance between Day 1 and Day 2.
Indicative Cost of Missing Bills (10 Most Expensive)

Determines the total number of days where bills are missing for an  account and calculates an indicative cost based on the daily average bill amount for the existing bills.
An account can be selected to see which particular periods of time are missing bills.

(Drill down to Missing Bill Days for Account (Drill Through))

Missing Bill Days for Account (Drill Through)This is a Drill Through Report from Indicative Cost of Missing Bills (10 Most Expensive) .
Outlines the individual days where a bill does not exist.  In the chart, a 1 represent where a bill does exist and a 0 where one doesn't exist.
Monthly Billed Consumption, Cost and average PPU for today minus 12 monthsDetails the monthly consumption and costs (net, gross and average PPU) for the selected Site Group(s), Site(s) or Commodity for a period of today minus 12 months.
Monthly Consumption by Site - Drill Through (using best available data)This is a Drill Through Report from Yearly Consumption Trends.
Displays the total consumption usage by site, across all commodities for each year.
Daily Metered Consumption for the Previous Calendar Month vs the same Period Last YearShows the total metered consumption for a Site for the last calendar month (bar) and for the same period in the previous year (line). Please note that it is showing the equivalent day in the previous period, rather than the same calendar date.
Selecting a particular day on the chart, displays another report which shows the granular consumption for that day.
Number of Invoices billed per Month (by Read date)Details the number of unique invoice numbers entered in Sigma for a month, based on the Bill Read Date
Contains Drill Through to additional information.
Estimated Cost of Overdue BillsDisplays Accounts that have overdue bills and shows a rough estimate of cost accrued since the last bill was received
Periodic Consumption Overview (Previous 4 Weeks)This interactive chart provides an overview of all periodic data for the previous 4 weeks.
The granularity of the returned data is daily by default, but this can be changed (Minute, Hour, Week etc.).
Queries - Closed in the last Calendar MonthDetails queries with a status of 'Closed' that have been closed in the last calendar month.
Queries - all Open QueriesDetails queries with a status of 'Open' with a breakdown by Category and age.
Site Capacity Detail (per Account)Displays the capacity and maximum demand in each bill received within the last two years.
You can use this information to get an indication as to whether the capacity may need need to be adjusted
(Drill down from Capacity Review - Detailed)
Site Billed CO2 (stacked by Commodity)Details the kg CO2 from the Accounts in selected Site(s), broken down by Commodity. The table of data includes the total consumption and gross cost.
Site Billed CO2 Emission Comparison for a PeriodDetails the total CO2 emissions in kg for a Site(s)  compared against a figure for a previous period. Values are displayed by commodity and include the present consumption and gross cost. The Move represents the changes in CO2 for each site.  Also known as League Table CO2 Emissions.
Site Billed Consumption, CO2 and Cost per CommodityDetails the total consumption for selected Site(s), broken down by Commodity. The table of data includes the kg CO2 and gross cost.
Site Billed Consumption Comparison for selected Periods (includes Cost and C02)Details the consumption for a Site(s) compared against a figure for a previous period. Values are displayed by commodity and include the present kg CO2 and gross cost. The Move column in the results table represents the changes in Consumption for each site.  Also known as League Table Any Period.
Site Billed Consumption, CO2 and Cost per m2Details the total consumption, CO2 and cost for a Site(s) normalised by the floor area in m2
Site Billed Consumption, CO2 and Cost per PersonDetails the total consumption, CO2 and cost for a Site(s) normalised by 'Population'
Site Cost by Commodity for the Last Financial YearDetails the gross cost (£) for selected Site(s), broken down by commodity for the last financial year.
Site Cost by Commodity (Stacked) for the last Financial YearDetails the gross cost (£) for selected Site(s), broken down by commodity for the last financial year displayed in a stacked bar chart
Hourly Usage per Day per Site for the Last Calendar MonthShows an aggregated view of the usage in each hour period for each day of the week for the last calendar month.
This allows you to see where consumption in a particular hour is not as expected when compared to other periods.
Site Monthly Billed Gas and Electricity Cost and Consumption vs. Previous Year (Drill Through)This is a Drill Through Report.
Details the billed cost and consumption for gas and electricity for 1 month compared to the same month in the previous year. 
Site Performance (Year to Date) League Table Summary - 10 Worst PerformingDetails the current year to date total billed electricity and gas consumption and also consumption per m2 of floor area. This report is ordered by consumption per m2 to help highlight your worst performing Sites.
You can also see how the total site consumption compares to the same period in the previous year.  A Site Name can be selected to drill down further and provide a view of the monthly billed costs and consumption for the site.  (Drill down to Year to Date Monthly Site Cost and Consumption per Commodity)
Sites by Bill Gross Amount MapDisplays a map showing selected sites and the sum of the Bill Gross Amount for a selected month and year.
The size of the circle represents the gross amount e.g. the larger the circle, the higher the bill gross amount. 
Total number of Accounts for Active Sites by CommodityProvides a count of the accounts for active sites i.e. those that do not have a Non Operational Flag or Closed Date Flag, broken down by commodity. Report refreshed monthly on 2nd of the month.
Total number of Active SitesProvides a count of the active sites i.e. those that do not have a Non Operational Flag or Closed Date Flag.   Report refreshed monthly on 2nd of the month.
Billed Cost per CommodityDetails the total billed by Commodity.
Billed Cost per Commodity for the last Calendar MonthDetails the total billed by Commodity for bills with an invoice date within the last calendar month.
Total CO2 by CommodityDetails the total CO2 emissions in kg by commodity.
Results are available for the following commodities where applicable: electricity, gas, water, oil and propane.
Weekly Channel Compare Report (Original)Compares the Periodic Channel consumption for two selected weeks. The Graph shows the present and previous consumption. The table compares each consumption value (present and previous) along with the percentage move. Choosing more than one Channel will create a separate tab for each one. Only one week per date range can be selected.
Year to Date Billed Energy OverviewProvides a year to date overview of billed electricity, gas and water cost and consumption for the current year, alongside the same period in the previous year, with the applicable percentage change and trend.
Also, a summary of all billed costs and all emissions for the current year are displayed.
Year to Date Monthly Site Billed Cost and Consumption per Commodity (Drill Through)This is a Drill Through Report from Site Performance League Table Summary (10 Worst Performing)
Displays the monthly billed cost and consumption for electricity and gas for the current year to date.
A month can be selected to show the billed cost and consumption for that month and how it compares to the same month in the previous year.
Yearly Consumption Trends (using best available data)

Displays the total consumption usage across all commodities for each year.
The current year with the last 4 years will be displayed, and it will be up until the end of the last calendar month.  Selecting a data point will allow you to explore the data at a lower granularity.  (Drill down to Monthly Consumption by Site)

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