GB – BillReadsAgainstSelfReadChannel
Compares the invoice meter readings against meter readings entered into Non-Periodic Channels.
Configuration of this validator requires meter serial number(s) to be entered into the Sigma bill entry screen and meters to be setup with Non-Periodic Channels against Sites.
Allows for a % tolerance of difference.
Validator Set up
Variable | Description | |
Tolerance limit (%) | Enter the required tolerance percentage, ie 10 (for 10%) |
Failure Prompt
Water worked!
Self read comparison results: Bill read value '9800' - 9800 is the meter reading entered in the bill
differs from self read channel projection '8624.8' (97M409836A) - 8624.8 is the projected meter reading using the data in the non periodic channel
Gas wouldnt work
Electricity wouldnt work (Electricity need a property key, see other online help page for more infor