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This page shows Reports that include Emissions Factors (aswell as Cost and Consumption for example), .

The first column has a link that will open the Report in Energy Intelligence.


Report Link - click on the link to log into Sigma and view the Report

ThumbnailReport Description
Billed Cost, Consumption and Carbon Emissions

Billed Cost, Consumption and Carbon Emissions

Breaks down the billed Cost, Consumption and Carbon Emissions per Commodity across all Sites. 5 years of data will be displayed unless the Date filter is used. All Commodities will be displayed unless the the filter is used.

EI View:  Billed Consumption

Billed Cost, Consumption and CO2 by Commodity (Stacked bar chart)

Billed Cost, Consumption and CO2 by Commodity (Stacked bar chart)

Details the consumption and gross cost for selected Site(s) in a stacked bar chart.

EI View:  Billed Consumption

Carbon Factors by Commodity

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Carbon Factors by Commodity

This report provides a view of the effective CO2 and CO2e carbon factors that are in effect for a specified date range. It will provide a monthly view of the factors within the date range. The date range will default to the last financial year.

A red zero indicates that no factor is available (either standard or custom), a black zero indicates that no data is available, therefore the factor can not be exported

EI View:  Best Available Data

CO2 and CO2e Variance Over Time (Best Available Data)

CO2 and CO2e Variance Over Time (Best Available Data)

Details the CO2 and CO2e variance over a period of time by financial year for selected Site(s) or Site Group(s)

EI View:  Best Available Data

Cons Data Emissions Summary

(part of the Emission Summary Dashboard)

Cons Data Emissions Summary

This report provides an overview of CO2e emissions across all Consumption Data Channels (based on selected filters) as well as the quality and completeness of data used to calculate these figures

EI View:  Best Available Data

Daily Emissions Data Audit

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Daily Emissions Data Audit

Using the Sigma Best Available Consumption View, this report shows the Emissions Factors, the Primary, Secondary CO2 and CO2e Emissions, followed by the CO2 and CO2e totals for a given Supply Point or Consumption Data item for each day. It also shows the source (e.g. Bills) and Type (e.g. Estimated) of data.

EI View:  Best Available Data

Emission & Conversion Factors used in EI Reporting

Emission & Conversion Factors used in EI Reporting

This report details the four standard Emission Factors loaded into Energy Intelligence:
- CO2 Factor- Carbon Dioxide
- CO2e Factor - Carbon Dioxide Equivalent
- CH4 Factor - Methane
- N2O Factor - Nitrous Oxide

EI does not calculate the Conversion Factors, but uses the values for the Category, Activity and Sub category for the Commodity as published on the website.
The following standard values used include:
- Electricity kWh - Electricity generated
- Gas kWh - The gross kWh value for Gaseous fuels /Natural Gas
- Water m3 - Water Supply value in cubic metres
- Oil l - The litres value for Liquid fuels/Gas Oil

EI View:  Best Available Data

Emissions Data Quality

(part of the Emission Summary Dashboard)

Emissions Data Quality

Provides an overview of the data quality and sources that make up the Best Available Data

EI View:  Best Available Data

Emissions Report (Best Available Data)

Emissions Report (Best Available Data)

Shows the CO2, CO2e, CH4 and N2O emissions for selected Site(s) over selected period. Sites that contribute less than 2% emissions are grouped together in the 'Other' category

EI View:  Best Available Data.

Emissions Scope Summary

(part of the Emission Summary Dashboard)

Emissions Scope Summary

This report provides a full overview of CO2e emissions (for the selected reporting period) compared to the same period last year and breaks those emissions down by commodity and scope

EI View:  Best Available Data

Emissions Summary

(part of the Emission Summary Dashboard)

Emissions Summary

Provides a full overview of CO2e emissions (for the selected reporting period) compared to the same period last year and breaks those emissions down by commodity

EI View:  Best Available Data

Emissions Summary Dashboard

Emissions Summary Dashboard

The Dashboard consists of 7 tabs and 12 reports

  • Scope Emissions tab
    • Emissions Scope Summary report
  • Emissions Summary tab
    • Emissions Summary report
  • Site Emissions tab
    • Site Emissions Overview report
  • Supply Point Emissions tab
    • Supply Emissions Summary report
      • linked report: Supply Point Emissions (Single Supply)  report
  • Cons Data Emissions tab
    • Cons Data Emissions Summary report
  • Data Quality & Sources tab
    • Emissions Data Quality report
  • Supply Config Issues tab
    • Account to Supply Point Assignment Issues report
    • Meter to Supply Point Assignment Issues report
    • Energised Meters without a Supply Point Link report
    • Active Accounts without Current Supply Point Link report
    • Overlapping Supply Point Contract Periods report

EI View:  Best Available Data

Primary, Secondary and Total CO2 and CO2e Emissions (in tonnes)

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Primary, Secondary and Total CO2 and CO2e Emissions (in tonnes)

Using the Sigma Best Available Consumption View, this
    • report
shows the Emissions Factors, the Primary, Secondary CO2 and CO2e Emissions, followed by the CO2 and CO2e totals

EI View:  Best Available Data

Site Billed CO2 (stacked by Commodity)

Site Billed CO2 (stacked by Commodity)

Details the kg CO2 from the Accounts in selected Site(s), broken down by Commodity. The table of data includes the total consumption and gross cost.

EI View:  Billed Consumption

Site Billed CO2 Emission Comparison for a Period

Site Billed CO2 Emission Comparison for a Period

Details the total CO2 emissions in kg for a Site(s)  compared against a figure for a previous period. Values are displayed by commodity and include the present consumption and gross cost. The Move represents the changes in CO2 for each site.  Also known as League Table CO2 Emissions.

EI View:  Billed Consumption

Site Billed Consumption Comparison for Selected Periods (includes Cost and CO2)

Site Billed Consumption Comparison for Selected Periods (includes Cost and CO2)

Details the consumption for a Site(s) compared against a figure for a previous period. Values are displayed by commodity and include the present kg CO2 and gross cost. The Move column in the results table represents the changes in Consumption for each site.  Also known as League Table Any Period.

EI View:  Billed Consumption

Site Billed Consumption, CO2 and Cost per m2

Site Billed Consumption, CO2 and


Cost per m2

Details the total consumption, CO2 and cost for a Site(s) normalised by the floor area in m2

EI View:  Billed Consumption

Site Billed Consumption, CO2 and Cost per Person

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Site Billed Consumption, CO2 and Cost per Person

Details the total consumption, CO2 and cost for a Site(s) normalised by 'Population'

EI View:  Billed Consumption

Site Emissions (Single Site)

Site Emissions (Single Site)

Provides an overview of a single site CO2e emissions

EI View:  Best Available Data

Site Emissions Overview

(part of the Emission Summary Dashboard)

Site Emissions Overview

Provides a Site level overview of C02 emissions (for the selected reporting period)

EI View:  Best Available Data

Supply Emissions Summary

(part of the Emission Summary Dashboard)

Supply Emissions Summary

Provides an overview of the C02e emissions across all supply points (based on selected filters) as well as the quality and completeness of data used to calculate these figures.

Links to the Supply Points Emissions (Single Supply) Report

EI View:  Best Available Data

Supply Point  Emissions (Single Supply)

Supply Point Emissions (Single Supply)

Shows details of a single Supply Point such as the data quality, C02e profile, C02e source and consumption

Links from the Supply Points Emissions  Report

EI View:  Best Available Data

Total CO2 and CO2 Emissions by Consumption  Source

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Total CO2 and CO2e Emissions by Consumption Source

Using the Sigma Best Available Consumption View, this report shows the percentages of Actual, Estimated, System Derived, Missing and Forecasted Data. This report also shows the Emissions Factors, the Primary, Secondary CO2 and CO2e Emissions, followed by the CO2 and CO2e totals.

This report drills through to the Daily Emissions Data Report

EI View:  Best Available Data

Total CO2 by Commodity

Total CO2 by Commodity

Details the total CO2 emissions in kg by commodity.
Results are available for the following commodities where applicable: electricity, gas, water, oil and propane.

EI View:  Billed Consumption

Year to Date Billed Energy Overview

Year to Date Billed Energy Overview

Provides a year to date overview of billed electricity, gas and water cost and consumption for the current year, alongside the same period in the previous year, with the applicable percentage change and trend.
Also, a summary of all billed costs and all emissions for the current year are displayed.

EI View:  Billed Consumption
