CONTINUE FROM HERE.................. I dont have the TENANT account in my supply point?
Terminating Supply Point Contract Container
To disable billing a Tenant for a Commodity from a specified date:
- Select the Supply Point that represents the supply of the Commodity to the Tenant in the Data Selector pane.
- Right-click on the Supply Point and click on the Edit option.
- The Supply Point Editor opens with the saved details for the Supply Point. Select the 'Tenant' Service Type and click on the Manage button.
I dont see the Tenant Account?
- The Manage Contract for Tenant pop-up opens with the list of all Supply Point Contract Containers that have been created for the Supply Point displayed in the Contract history box.
- Select the Supply Point Contract Container that has been created to bill the Tenant for the Commodity. Untick the No end date checkbox and enter the End date (either by using the Date Picker or selecting Day, Month and Year values from the dropdown lists).
- Click the OK button. The Contract details are saved, the Manage Contract for Tenant pop-up closes and the Supply Point Editor is updated to display the Contract details. The Supply Point Contract Container will not be considered for inclusion in any future Tenant Bills Runs where the End date is after the Bill Run Start Date.
- Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon the changes, close the Manage Contract for Tenant pop-up and redisplay the Supply Point Editor unchanged.
The Channel Data Quality selected for a Periodic or Non-periodic HFD Channel defines the priority of consumption data from this Channel when used in Tenant Billing.
Define Priority of Consumption Data from Channel
To define the priority of consumption data from a Channel to be used in Tenant Billing:
- Select the Channel in the Data Selector pane.
- Right-click on the Channel and click on the Edit option.
- The Channel Editor opens with the saved details for the Channel.
- Select a value from the Channel Data Quality dropdown list (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary or Sample).
- Select 'Primary' if consumption data from the Channel is to be used in Tenant Billing by default.
- Select another value if consumption data from the Channel is to be used as an alternative source when recalculating a Tenant Bill (see [3] Sigma User Guide – Manage Tenant Bills for further details).
- Click the OK button. The Channel details are saved and the Channel Editor closes.
- Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon the changes and close the Channel Editor.