Validator Set Up
Bill Entry details
Failure Prompt
Bill Entry Validators
The Bill Entry (BE) validators apply to manually entered bills only, these are:
BE - BillAttachmentValidator
Identifies when a User attempts This Validator fails when trying to save a manually entered bill without having attached a document (an image of the bill)
BE – BillEntryStopper
Used to stop invoices being saved on inactive accounts – tend to set this validator to severe.
BE – BillInvoiceDateValidator
Ensures that an invoice date is entered onto the bill entry screen.
No additional set up required.
BE – BillInvoiceNumber
Ensures that an invoice number is being entered.
Set Up:
BE – BillReceivedDateValidator
Ensures that a received date is entered in the invoice screen.
No additional set up required.
BE – BillThisPeriod
Checks to make sure the Bill This Period cell has been populated.
No additional set up required.
BE – ElecUseDeMin & BE – GasUseDeMin
Checks whether a value of 1 has been entered in the deminimus cell. Validator will fail if any other value is there. If the 1 is present and the cost of the invoice is not adding up then it may be that CCL has been incorrectly charged.
BE – InvoicedvsCalc
This validator compares the invoice cost with the calculated Sigma bill cost and will fail if out of the tolerance threshold.
Set Up:
BE – MDentry
Used to ensure a maximum demand is entered on to the invoice screen. Works by comparing the maximum demand tag cell against the previous invoice; if the previous invoice is greater than 0, then the validator will fail if maximum demand has not been entered.
BE – WaterVat
Used to ensure that water invoices have 0% VAT.
Set Up:
Variable, VAT Limit: Enter 0 to ensure VAT isn't charged on a Water Bill
BE – UniqueInvoiceNumberValidator
Checks if the invoice number is unique to that account.
Tenant Billing
The Tenant Billing (TE) validators apply to Tenant Billing only:
TB - HfdChannelGapCheck.xml
Checks for any gaps in Periodic Channel Data
TB - ZeroConsumptionCheck.xml
Checks to see if the consumption is zero
TB - totalConsumptionTol.xml
Checks that the total consumption on this bill is within a set percentage of the previous bill
The percentage is set by the User
TB - totalConsumptionTolYear.xml
Checks that the total consumption on this bill is within a set percentage of the previous years bill
Validator Set Up
There re no variables for the Validator
Bill Entry details
Failure Prompt
Note: Add the image by clicking on Add document and the save again