GB – BillConsumptionAgainstHHMeters
This Validator is for Electricity bills only. It compares the invoice consumption against the metered consumption entered into Periodic Channels.
It requires a Meter/Virtual Meter (and Periodic Channel) to be attached to the same Supply Point as the Account.
Allows for a % tolerance of difference.
NOTE: This Validator needs to be set up at Account level for it to work
Validator Set Up
Field | Criteria |
Tolerance limit (%) | Minimum value of 0 |
Include Virtual Meters | Tick if you want to include Virtual Meters |
Failure Prompt
Calculated consumption from billed consumption 9800.0 - the total consumption shown on the bill
differs from HF data 9525.21 - the total consumption in the Periodic Channel(s) (which is attached to the same Supply Point as the Account) for the same period
by 2.88% - the percentage difference between the bill and the Periodic Channel