- Is the Account in Sigma?
- Has the Account Number changed (But the Supplier is still the same)?
- Has the Account Number and Supplier Changed?
Investigating the Account Number
- Right click on the Bill > View Printed Bill
- Note the Site Address, Meter Number and Supply Point ID from the Bill
- Open Estate Management and search for all of the above to see if the Account already exists
- If you can find the Site, Meter and/or Supply Point but not the Account - the Account will need to be created
- If you find the Site, but a different Account Number - the Account number will need to be updated
- If you find the Site, but a different Account Number and Supplier - the Account and Supplier will need to be updated
- See below for more details
Account not in Sigma
Search for the Site, Account, Meter and/or Supply Point in Sigma to see if any already exist
- If the Site doesn't exist
- Click here for more information on creating a Site
- If the Site exists but not the Account
- Click here for more information on creating an Account
Account Number has changed but the Supplier is still the same
Search for the Site, Account, Meter and/or Supply Point in Sigma to see if any already exist
- If the Site exists, but the Account number is different:
- Check the details to see if the Supplier has also changed
- If it is just the Account number that has changed:
- Click here for more information on how to amend the Account number
Account Number and Supplier has changed
Search for the Site, Account, Meter and/or Supply Point in Sigma to see if any already exist
- If the Site exists, but the Account number is different:
- Check the details to see if the Supplier has also changed
- If the Account and the Supplier have changed:
- Click here for more information on how to amend the Account number and Supplier
Refreshing the EDI Batch Management Activity
Once you have added or updated the Account number, you need to refresh the EDI Batch Management Activity
- The Account number will change from Red to Green and the status will change to Query (Orange)
- The Bill will be re-evaluated and the status will change to Passed, Query or Failed (depending on whether it passes Validation or not)
Click here for more information.