When a Site and a Supply Point already exist, the Meter can be created and then connected to the Supply Point.

To add Meter Readings or Consumption values, you will also need to create a Non Periodic or Periodic Channel.

Important Information

Creating the Meter



From the popup, select from:


Note:  For more information on Asset Type and Parent Meter, click here to view the Glossary of Terms & Conditions


The Meters & Channels Tab will refresh to show the newly added Meter


Adding a Periodic or Non Periodic Channel

To be enable you to add Meter Readings or Consumption values, you need to add a Channel.

A Non-Periodic Channel is used for ad hoc meter readings, for example where the meter is read as and when required.

A Periodic Channel is used for regular readings or consumption values such as Half Hourly Data.

From the Meters & Channels Tab in the Estate Management Activity:


The Channel Editor pop up appears.  Enter the following:


Validation Failures

Once you have clicked OK, you may get a Validation failure message.  For example, if the same Data Load ID is used.


Refreshing the Data

To see the newly created Channel in the Meters & Channels Tab:


The newly created Channel (Periodic or Non Periodic) is now connected to the Meter

Adding the Meter to the Supply Point

Now that you have created the Meter (and Channel), it will need to be connected to the Supply Point.

From Estate Management Activity:


The Manage Contract for Supply popup appears:



Adding the Meter number to the Account

If the Account exists, the Meter number can be added into the Account Editor.  This is required for certain Validators.

From Estate Management Activity:



If the Account doesn't exist, and you want to add it, click here for more details on Creating Accounts.