Hints & Tips
- Back Button – Don't press the back button! Sigma functions using tabbed windows and pressing the back button will lose your current progress.
- Full Screen Mode – Press F11 on your keyboard to expand your internet browser to full screen. This not only shows more data in the window, but it also avoids the potential of the 'Back' button being pressed.The Site Overview displays five main sections. These can be viewed for each site on your database – simply highlight the site using the data selectors to view. All widgets can be maximised to full screen size.
Information - This details the site name, address, contact, benchmark category, floor area, latest memo, link to maps, image and current site figures.
- The settings on the widget are as follows:
- Data Period – relates to the Site figures of Cost, Energy, CO2 and Water.
- Overview Image – Selecting If Available will show an image of the site marked with the category of 'Overview'
- Show Properties – allows the user to specify which site property keys to display.
Hints & Tips
- Maps – If you enter a postcode (UK) or GPS details for a site, you will be able to view this location from the Map link in the information widget.
- This shows the current sites performance against the best and worst site within the database on the same Benchmark Category.
- The data present is based on supply points being setup within the database.
- Selecting the save icon allows you to save the data as an image.
- Selecting the settings icon will give you the option to amend:
- Comparison Field – where you have the ability to choose the type of data you wish to display.
- Data Period – allows you to select the data period you require.
Hints & Tips
- Side Panels – When you see the graphic below on a panel it can be collapsed using a mouse click. You can re-open the panel by clicking on the same graphic.
- Section Stacks – Where you see the arrow icon on sections you can click to collapse / expand the section.
- Show the most recent 100 events on the selected site. Settings allow you to change the type of events and time period available.
- All the targets that are setup on the site are listed.
- Targets could be period based, CUSUM, etc.
- The Add a new Target icon allows you to setup a new target for the associated site.
- If a target is not met then an event will be created.
Monitoring Point
A Monitoring Point stores information that has been created from various sources of data. For example, a calculation of the total gas consumed by a number of sites derived from gas consumption data at each individual site.
The data in the Monitoring Point object would be generated by an equation (in this case a simple sum) combining all of the sources of data (in this example gas consumption at each site).Consumption Graphs
- Consumption Graphs display an area graph of data for each selected Site.
- Any settings applied to this widget are applied across the whole database.
- Selecting the start month in which the data is displayed on the graph.
- You can then select the length of period by clicking into the table and changing the number.
Data Selectors
- Tree Selector – Shows database objects arranged in the form of a tree (that can be expanded or collapsed).
- Multi List Selector – Shows database objects in the form of lists or data columns.
- Item Finder – Perform a search on specific database objects.
- Global Search – Perform a search on the whole database.
- Stored Searches – Access any searches you have previously saved.Navigation
- Selecting Actions in the top right of the screen will allow you to navigate to other activities within Sigma including Regression.
- If no data is available to display in Site Overview you can click the blue window to modify settings or add data.