- Site Monthly Profile
- League Table
- 3 Utilities
- Monthly Consumption and Cost
- General Graph and Table
- Channel Statistics
- Missing HF Data
- Supply Details
- Account Missing Entries
- Electricity Bills Overview
We describe what the reports show and it describes how to create the reports and what is returned.
Sigma uses symbols to show Database ObjectsItems. Each report shows which Objects Item it can be run withon. Here Below is a list of the symbols along with the Database ObjectItem.
icon | Item |
Organisation | |
Site Group | |
Site | |
Account | |
Meter | |
Channel | |
Monitoring Point | |
Supply Point | |
TSP - Time Series Provider (Supply Point, Account, Meter, Channel, Monitoring Point) |
Site Monthly Profile Report
This report shows the consumption for a specified month and uses a Cost Definition to calculate the cost of the different rates. The graph is colour coded depending on how many rates are in the Cost Definition.
Use for: To follow up on an exception or to see baseloads (and to see if equipment is switched off at weekends) - also consider Site Monthly Profile Comparison Report
Ticking allows the report to use the costs set up in the Cost Definitions.
These will show at the bottom of the report, along with the consumption and percentage for each rate in the Cost Definition.
League Table Report
Use for: Analysis of your Estate – what do I need to look at in more detail? i.e. the highest user. Compare movement between this year and last year. Also consider League Table Normalised to compare by square meter.
3 Utilities Profile Report