Electricity Band PPU Threshold
Sigma Online User Manual
Electricity Band PPU Threshold
GB – ElecBandppuThreshold
Sets a threshold for a band rate (Band A, B, etc.) The validator fails if the threshold is exceeded.
Validator Set Up
Variable | Description |
Band number (e.g. A=1, B=2 etc) | The line on the bill, ie an Electricity bill will have Bands A, B etc (different ppu rates). If you want Band A, enter 1, if you want Band B, enter 2 etc |
Unit rate threshold (p) | The value that the field should not exceed., ie enter 10.5 for 10.5p |
Bill Entry screen
Failure Prompt
Unit rate exceeds threshold: FAILED - The name of the validator
'threshold=10.50' - The value that you do not want to exceed for the ppu, ie 10.5p
'band=1.00' - The line on the bill you are checking against. 1 = Band A (the first line)
present=10.65 - The value of the ppu on the Band in the current bill ie Band A, (line 1) is 10.65 ppu
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