Volumetric Consumption Conversion

Sigma Online User Manual

Volumetric Consumption Conversion


Sigma Tenant Billing provides the ability to convert  volumetrically measured consumption (e.g. m3) into energy consumption that can be used for the purpose of calculating bills (i.e. kWh). The configuration that supports this calculation is maintained within the Tariff.

There are a number of calculation steps needed, which are outlined below:

  • The Cubic Meter Volume should be multiplied by the Calorific Value (this varies by geographical region and is usually between 37 and 42)
  • The result of the above calculation should be multiplied by the Temperature and Pressure parameter (this is usually 1.02264)
  • The result of the above calculation should be multiplied by 0.2777 in order to get kWh consumption.

The system also supports the ability for the output of each of the above calculation steps to be stored and optionally shown on the Tenant Billing output to help justify how the chargeable consumption has been derived.

To set up, you need to add the following to Sigma:

  • An Associated Data Channel for the Calorific Value (usually between 37 and 42)
  • An Associated Data Channel for the Temperature and Pressure Multiplier  (usually 1.02264)
  • A Tariff Line for the Calorific Value  (using the Associated Data Channel)
  • A Tariff Line for the Temperature and Pressure Multiplier (using the Associated Data Channel)
  • A Tariff Line for the Multiplier (0.2777)

Adding Associated Data

Best practice is to add the Associated Data at the Organisation level.

Caloric Value Associated Data

From the Tree Selector, right click on the Organisation

Click Add

Click Associated Data

Creating the Associated Data Channel:

Channel NameEnter Calorific Value
Data Load ID 1defaults to a unique number
Timezone:defaults to GMT
Data type:   *Change this first

Choose Calorific Value

Note: if this is not in the dropdown, click on + to add

Changing this will update the Channel Name

Unit of Measurement Choose m3
Conversion FactorDefaults to 1
Meter ReadingsLeave unticked

Click OK to save

Adding Data to the Associated Data Channel

Right click on the Calorific Value Associated Data Channel

Click Edit to open The Associated Data Editor popup 

Click  to  open the HFD Data Viewer popup

Click Actions 

Click Add Reading

Click At start to open the Add Readings popup

Complete as follows:

End date and timeChange to the date and time you want the Calorific Value to start
HFD periodIgnore
Readings to addLeave as 1

Click OK to return to the HFD Data Viewer

Double click into the Value field to add the Calorific Value

Click OK to return to the Associate Data Editor popup

Click OK to save

Temperature and Pressure Multiplier

Complete as above, with the following exceptions:

  • Choose Temperature-pressure from the Data Type dropdown
  • Choose Units from the Unit of Measurement dropdown

Enter the Value of 1.02264 in the HFD Data Viewer

Adding the Calorific Value Conversion to the Tariff

To use the calorific value calculation when creating the charges, then this will need to be configured within the Tariff so that the volumetrically measured consumption can be converted into a suitable value for calculating charges (e.g. kWh).

Opening the Tariff

The Tariff is placed under the Contract in Sigma

From the Tree Selector, click right on the Tariff

Click Edit to open the Tariff Editor

Obtain Consumption Tariff Entry


Complete as follows:

NameEnter a name for the Tariff Line, for example: Obtain Consumption

Line Type

Choose Tariff Charge
Input SourceChoose Consumption
Override SourceLeave blank
Output NameEnter the name you want to use as the output of this calculation so it can be used as an input into another tariff entry to perform a further calculation, for example GasVolume
Tariff Code

Leave as N/A.

This effectively means the calculated result will not be displayed on the bill. It is just a calculation step.

Bill Data CodeGreyed out - not required
Equation  /  Cost DefinitionChoose Cost Definition
EquationGreyed out - not required
Cost DefinitionChoose Dummy
Charge VATGreyed out - not required

Click OK to return to the Tariff Editor


Note:  The Dummy Cost Definition is set up to ensure the costs are in pence (not pounds) and cover all day, 24 hours a day.

Click here for more information on setting up a Cost Definition.

Click OK to return to the Tariff Editor.

Calorific Value Tariff Entry


Complete as follows:

NameEnter a name for the Tariff Line, for example: Obtain Calorific Val

Line Type

Choose Tariff Charge
Input SourceChoose the Associated Data -  Supply Associated Data - Calorific Value
Override SourceLeave blank
Output NameEnter the name you want to use as the output of this calculation so it can be used as an input into another tariff entry to perform a further calculation, for example CalValue
Tariff Code

Leave as N/A.

This effectively means the calculated result will not be displayed on the bill. It is just a calculation step.

Bill Data CodeGreyed out - not required
Equation  /  Cost DefinitionChoose Cost Definition
EquationGreyed out - not required
Cost DefinitionChoose Dummy
Charge VATGreyed out - not required

Click OK to return to the Tariff Editor


Click OK to return to the Tariff Editor.

Temperature & Pressure Multiplier Tariff Entry

Click   to add the Temperature and Pressure Multiplier

Complete as follows:

NameEnter a name for the Tariff Line, for example: Obtain Temp & Pressu

Line Type

Choose Tariff Charge
Input SourceChoose the Associated Data -  Supply Associated Data - TempPressure Multiplier
Override SourceLeave blank
Output NameEnter the name you want to use as the output of this calculation so it can be used as an input into another tariff entry to perform a further calculation, for example TempAndPress
Tariff Code

Leave as N/A

This effectively means the calculated result will not be displayed on the bill. It is just a calculation step.

Bill Data CodeGreyed out - not required
Equation  /  Cost DefinitionChoose Cost Definition
EquationGreyed out - not required
Cost Definition

Choose Dummy

Charge VATGreyed out - not required


Click OK to return to the Tariff Editor.

Calculate kWh Energy Tariff Entry

Click   to add the calculation that will compute the kWh energy.

Complete as follows:

NameEnter a name for the Tariff Line, for example: Calculate kWh Energy

Line Type

Choose Tariff Charge
Input SourceLeave blank.
Override SourceLeave blank
Output NameEnter the name you want to use as the output of this calculation so it can be used as an input into another tariff entry to perform a further calculation, for example ConsumptionkWh
Tariff Code

Leave as N/A

This effectively means the calculated result will not be displayed on the bill. It is just a calculation step.

Bill Data CodeGreyed out - not required
Equation  /  Cost DefinitionChoose Equation

In this field, enter:


Cost Definition

Greyed out - not required

Charge VATGreyed out - not required

 Click OK to return to the Tariff Editor.

Calculate Unit Rate Charge Tariff Entry

Click   to add the calculation that will compute the kWh energy.

Complete as follows:

NameEnter a name for the Tariff Line, for example: Gas Unit Rate

Line Type

Choose Tariff Charge
Input SourceLeave blank.
Override SourceConsumptionkWh
Output NameLeave blank.
Tariff Code

Select "standardUsage"

Bill Data CodeGreyed out - not required
Equation  /  Cost DefinitionChoose Cost Definition

Greyed out - not required

Cost Definition

Choose the Cost definition that contains the energy rates to be charged against the calculated consumption e.g. "Gas All Day"

Charge VATTick this box to indicate whether VAT should be applied to the calculated charge.

 Click OK to return to the Tariff Editor.

Click OK to save

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@ Copyright TEAM - Energy Auditing Agency Limited Registered Number 1916768 Website: www.teamenergy.com Telephone: +44 (0)1908 690018