
The Importing activity allows you to import data into the database with various file formats. This data can be for Channels, Site information, Meter Readings or Associated Data. The importing can be manually done as and when required (see below), or the importing can be scheduled to load at a desired frequency picking up data from an email account, FTP or FTPS.  To schedule imports, click here for more information. 

You can choose to import data immediately, or schedule it to regularly import automatically.

To schedule imports to run automatically on a recurring basis, click here.

This section will show you how to import data immediately.  

Importing data 


Adding an Importer

If the Importer isn't in the Favourites list, you need to add it in.


The Importer will now show in the Favourites list and ready to be used. 

Note: You will not need to do this the next time you import, as the Importer will already be in the Favourites list.

Importing the Data (once the Importer is in the Favourites list)

From the Importing Activity:



This is where you specify where the file for importing should be retrieved from.

The options are:

  1. Import from file - the file is stored on the local computer and can be uploaded via the screen
  2. Import via Email - the file is attached to an email in a mailbox
  3. Import via FTP - the file is located on an FTP server

To manually import the data:


Note: Once you have uploaded the file, the Upload file option changes to Change file (if required)



Scheduling Imports using Email or FTP

Click here for details how to Schedule Imports using Email or FTP