If a Site and a Supply Point already exist, the Account can be created and then connected to the Supply Point.


Creating the Account

Open the Estate Management Activity


In this example, there are 3 Supply Points, but only two Accounts 


To check if the Account has been added to Sigma, but not attached to the Supply Point, click on the Accounts Tab

In this example, you can see that there isn't a water Account.


In this example, the Supply Point has been created, but no Account (or Meter) is attached 


To add the Account:



The Account Editor pop up appears.

Add the following:


The Account now shows in the mini Tree View on the Site Summary tab


Now that you have Account, it will need to be connected to the Supply Point.

Adding a Contract to the Supply Point (if it doesn't already exist)

If the Supply Point has been created, but the Contract has not been attached, or is out of date,  the Supply Point will show in Red.

This will need to be done before you can attach the Account.

Connecting the Account to the Supply Point 

Staying in the Estate Management Activity:



The Tab will refresh to show the Account is now connected to the Supply Point