Sigma has an extremely powerful and flexible engine for calculating charges. Flexible charging methodologies allow you to define your own utility tariffs, supporting the billing of both domestic and non-domestic (SME & I&C) tenants. Recharging of utilities to domestic users is governed by strict industry rules, and you can be sure that your billing adheres to them.

Different simple or complex tariff structures can be created and applied for each Tenant or group of Tenants, ensuring you have the flexibility to apply the most suitable billing methodology in each case and recover the full fees appropriate to each Tenant. The tariffs can be changed at any time and are fully effective dated and audited supporting price uplifts, addition of new charges and changing the calculation method. Tariffs will allow you to group or itemise the charges as you require – including include consumption-based charges, standing charges, fixed charges and capacity charges.

A few scenarios are provided below which outline the type of charging that the system can support: